LTD Asks for Community Input


EUGENE, Ore. —(February 17, 2022)— Lane Transit District (LTD) is asking for community input on the District’s development of a Mobility Management Strategy (MMS). The MMS will guide how LTD can best collaborate with public and private partners for the delivery of new and expanded transportation options, programs, and services, such as bike share, e-scooters, and ride hailing services like Uber and Lyft. The MMS will help the District determine its best role to play in supporting a robust regional transportation network. 

LTD encourages community members to take Mobility Management Strategy online survey, which is available in English and Spanish. The survey is open now until March 16.

LTD’s Mobility Management Strategy is expected to be approved in summer 2022.

To learn more about the project, please visit the project webpage.
