Legislative Update: February 10, 2025

The Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce continues to track legislative updates and action alerts that relate to the business community. Partnering with the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce (OSCC) for legislative insight, the Springfield Chamber remains focused on addressing the issues that matter most to its members.
Opposition to Senate Bill 916
On February 7, the Springfield Chamber submitted testimony to the Senate Committee on Labor and Business in opposition to SB 916.
This testimony aligns with statewide business associations including Oregon State Chamber of Commerce (OSCC), Oregon Business and Industry (OBI), and League of Oregon Cities (LOC), as well as testimony provided by chambers across the state. The purpose of SB 916 is to allow unemployment benefits to striking workers, which the Chamber argues to be unfairly burdensome to small businesses while the Unemployment Insurance (UI) system is funded entirely by employers. Read the testimony to learn how the Springfield Chamber is standing on behalf of the local business community in opposition to SB 916.
ACTION ALERT: Public Hearing on SB 916
The next Public Hearing on this bill takes place Tuesday, February 11 at 8:00AM. The Chamber urges their members to register to testify online or submit written testimony in opposition to this bill. Written testimony is accepted for 48 hours after the start of the hearing.
“The unemployment insurance system is built to protect people who lose work involuntarily. SB 916 would extend those benefits to people who choose to walk off the job to go on strike. This would increase strain on the state’s unemployment insurance system, which is funded by an employer-paid tax that is the nation’s third highest, according to the most recent data.”
– Oregon Business and Industry, Capitol Connect Newsletter, February 10, 2025
Estate Tax Updates
The Springfield Chamber has been following an increasing consensus that Oregon’s “death tax” must be addressed. Oregon’s estate tax laws are among the toughest in the Western U.S., with a $1 million exemption and a progressive tax starting at 10% on values exceeding that threshold – but change could be on the horizon.
House Bill 2301 is gaining traction as a potential game-changer, proposing to raise the exemption to $8 million and implement a flat 7% tax rate beyond that amount. If passed, this legislation could significantly ease the tax burden on businesses.
Related bills we are watching:
• Senate Bill 380
• Senate Bill 405
• Senate Bill 648
The Senate is following up this week with hearings in the wake of the House hearing last week.
Read OSCC’s full Legislative Update from Monday, February 10, 2025, to learn more about their activity around these and other bills they are watching during the current legislative session.
Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce Business Advocacy
The Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce is a trusted convener and provider of business resources. They recognize the systemic interdependencies of a healthy economy and provide an ear and a voice for local business at the confluence of government, commerce, and community. They advocate for business by increasing visibility, dialogue, and representation at local, state, and federal policy circles around issues of impact and interest to their members. Learn more about the Chamber’s Business Advocacy work.