City of Springfield Wins Excellence in Best Practice Award for Safety

The City of Springfield has won an Excellence in Best Practice Award for 2023 in the category of safety from their insurance provider CIS. The City is being recognized for their hard work in substantially reducing the City’s risk and liability exposure.
In mid-2020, the City began working with CIS to ensure the City would not be dropped from CIS and lose the City’s liability insurance. In late 2020, the City instituted an organization-wide risk management program. City Manager Nancy Newton authorized an additional position in Development and Public Works Department’s Operations Division to hire a safety and training coordinator. The City also instituted a body-worn camera program for the Springfield Police Department and IA Pro – a software program that tracks use of force and other important metrics. Additionally, the City hired a crime analyst to create metrics for the Police Department to use in operations and the Police Department is currently pursuing accreditation.
“The City executive team and staff has embraced this new culture of how we can drastically improve safety as a city and keep our exposure low and our employees and community safe,” said City Manager Nancy Newton, “I’m proud of the effort to date and the results. Winning this award from CIS is a testament of that effort.”
The City will be formally recognized and receive an award plaque at the CIS Annual Conference on February 29, 2024 in Salem, Oregon.
What: Excellence in Best Practice Award for 2023 in the category of safety
Who: City of Springfield from their liability insurance provider CIS
When: Formal recognition to occur on February 29, 2024
Where: CIS Annual Conference in Salem, Oregon