Joint Work Session and Public Hearing will Address Amendments to City Plans

The City of Springfield and Lane County Planning Commissions will conduct a joint work session and Public Hearing on Tuesday, July 18, 2023. The work session will begin at 6:00 p.m., and the public hearing will begin at 7:00 p.m. The Commissioners will meet using virtual meeting technology. Those who wish to attend in person may do so as noted below. The public hearing is on the following proposal to amend:
- The Springfield Comprehensive Plan to adopt a Springfield Comprehensive Plan Map and a Land Use Element
- The Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) to reflect that the Springfield Comprehensive Plan Map and Land Use Element will replace the text and Diagram in Metro Plan Diagram Chapter II-G for lands within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary
- Springfield’s Downtown, East Main, Gateway, Glenwood, Mid-Springfield, and Q Street Refinement Plans (text and diagrams) for consistency with adopting a Springfield Comprehensive Plan Map and Land Use Element
- Springfield’s Downtown Refinement Plan to clarify amendments adopted by Ordinance 6148 (2005)
- The Springfield Development Code for consistency with adopting a Springfield Comprehensive Plan Map and Land Use Element
CASE NUMBERS: City of Springfield: 811-23-000129-TYP4; Lane County: 509-PA23-05396
The proposed amendments will apply to all land within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary, which includes land within city limits and urbanizable land outside city limits.
Applicable approval criteria include, but are not limited to: Springfield Development Code 5.6.115 (Refinement Plans, Plan Districts and the Development Code – Adoption or Amendment), 5.14.135 (Metro Plan Amendments); Lane Code Chapters 10.600-15 (Applicable Land Use Regulations), 12.100.050 (Method of Adoption and Amendment) and 12.300.030 (Metro Plan Amendment Criteria), and Statewide Planning Goals/Oregon Administrative Rules.
The proposed amendments and meeting details (Zoom virtual meeting link and in person location) for the joint public hearing of the Planning Commissions on July 18 are available for free inspection at the following locations and websites:
- Springfield City Hall, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 between 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Tuesday-Friday.
- Lane County Land Management Division, 3050 N Delta Hwy, Eugene, OR 97408 between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Monday-Friday.
HOW TO PARTICIPATE OR SUBMIT COMMENTS: Staff request submittal of written testimony through Springfield Oregon Speaks at: All written comments will be provided to the Planning Commissions. Oral testimony must be provided at the public hearing. Visit for more information on how to participate in the public hearing.
STAFF CONTACT: For questions regarding the proposed amendments or on how to submit written testimony please contact:
- Chelsea Hartman, City of Springfield, Community Development; 541-726-3648; Email:
- Jared Bauder at: Lane County Land Management Division, 3050 N Delta Hwy, Eugene, OR 97408; 541-682-6949; Fax: 541-682-3947; E-mail:
- Join virtually from a computer, tablet, or smart phone or dial in by phone:
Visit: or
- In Person: Jesse Maine Room at Springfield City Hall, 225 5th Street. No RSVP required.
There will also be limited capacity for those without internet access or in need of special accommodations to join in person in the Goodpasture Room at the Lane County Public Works Customer Service Center, 3050 N Delta Hwy, Eugene OR 97408. To attend in person, please RSVP by calling or emailing David Ruiz-Maya at 541-682-6768 / at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
Persons needing special accommodation (e.g., hearing impaired, language translation, and large print copies of the agenda) are instructed to submit their request at least 48 hours prior to the meeting by calling David Ruiz-Maya at 541-682-6768.