Springfield Mayor Launches New “Visit With Mayor VanGordon” Opportunity to Connect


Springfield Mayor Sean VanGordon is introducing a new way to connect with the City on topics important to the community. The “Visit with Mayor VanGordon” opportunity launches from 6-7 p.m., Tuesday, June 22. Register at https://zoom.us/j/96614983947?pwd=dkZ6WEFJeExXdytmM0tIa0FIZ1I0Zz09

The goal of this effort is to promote questions and dialogue with the community.

“The pandemic has affected many aspects of our lives, particularly our ability to have ongoing dialogue with the community in a casual and accessible way,” said Mayor Sean VanGordon. “The pandemic has also carved new ways of meeting and reaching people where they are. This effort seeks to build a new way for community members to learn about what we’re doing and who we are. The platform will be a casual and personal way to promote conversations for our community.”

In the State of the City Address, Mayor VanGordon identified areas of focus to guide the City through 2021. These, in part, include:

  • Resourcefulness being how we collaborate, innovate, and create to move the community forward.
  • Renewing our commitment is the choice we make to be part of this community. To address long-term problems that we have, and to respect each other while we work toward our future.

“This project builds on these focus areas, creating an opportunity for accessible leadership in a way we’ve never done before,” said Mayor VanGordon. “It will remain fluid and open to change as we fine-tune this effort based on the needs of those we serve.” 

These visits will kick off on June 22 and continue each quarter.

Where: Virtual using Zoom. A dedicated “stream” will be added to the City’s YouTube channel so community members can easily access videos. Register to participate at:
