Legacy of Doug Koke


This post was originally published on QSL Print Communications’ LinkedIn page here.
Photo also sourced from LinkedIn post.

Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes — after 52 years in the industry & 3 decades in charge, Doug Koke entered retirement last year much more quietly than he enters Autzen Stadium on gamedays (more on that later). Let’s make some noise to celebrate his career. 

For years, Doug Koke has been the heart & soul of (QSL Print Communications). A true aficionado of the craftsman trade of printing, it was not uncommon to see Doug on the production floor running a machine or consulting with a pressman. Doug loves to be a part of the printing process. His commitment to service, growth, & technological advancement of the print trade has laid the groundwork for the next generation of the Koke family.

As Doug prepared for retirement, his children — Keri, Melissa & Ryan, 4th generation printers were preparing to take the helm. More on that soon. While the last century focused on building a family legacy, this one will see that legacy pursue new systems of efficiency, automation, & sustainability that will reinforce the artisan values of a long-treasured craft. 

Doug certainly won’t be a stranger in retirement — he’ll continue to make appearances at QSL in his best retirement cargo shorts. He plans to spend more time with his grandchildren & building a shop to work on his woodworking & car tinkering.

Commercial printing is the Koke family legacy. Doug’s grandfather, Joseph Koke, began a printing company in Eugene in 1907. 100 years later, in 2007, Doug created Koke New Century, Inc. as a launchpad for the next century of printing. With this new company, Doug acquired QSL Print Communications, another family-owned business with a long history & exceptional reputation in the community. Since then, he’s created Quick Service Auction Printing & acquired two other local storefront businesses; instaprint & Century Print. He also acquired Accessible Data Services (considerably beefing up our mailing department) in 2012. Together, our family of businesses makes up the most comprehensive commercial printing service in Lane County! Now, more on his joy rides.

Did you know? Doug puts the pedal to the metal on his Harley-Davidson to lead the Oregon Ducks onto the field on Game Days. Say what? Read more; https://bit.ly/3x7xwIF.
