Goodwill Industries Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program (HVRP)


Our Values:
Veteran-Focused | Integrity  |  Life-Enriching

Goodwill’s Veteran Connections’ Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program (HVRP) now offers Lane County a new opportunity for hope and help.

Our supportive and positive HVRP services will guide and assist veterans with gaining life-skills, overcoming barriers, and adjusting to changing dynamics through coaching, referrals to housing and a broad list of other networks of support in the Lane County community.

Summary of HVRP Supportive Services: 

  • Assistance in obtaining meaningful and sustainable employment;
  • Case management with experienced and knowledgeable Veteran Specialists;
  • Employment, resume and career exploration assistance;
  • Employment adjustment assistance;
  • Help in accessing benefits and services to address barriers to work;
  • Identification and other assistance to help with successful employment applications;
  • Provision of interview attire and/or work clothes, transportation, and equipment needed for employment;
  • Job placement assistance through employer relationships;
  • Personal & professional services based on individual needs and abilities;
  • Skills training and job readiness assistance;
  • Veteran and community resources and referral including financial, food, and housing;
  • Vocation/technical education, licensing, trade certification assistance;
  • Resource center complete with computers, phone, printer, fax and more;
  • Money management guidance and financial resources.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Have, or ability to obtain, a copy of DD-214.
  • Have served at least one (1) day of active military service not including training; AND have been discharged under any status other than ‘Dishonorable.’
  • Must be homeless* or at risk of becoming homeless; or have been homeless in the 60 days prior to HVRP enrollment.  (*Homeless = unstably housed).

To learn more and find out if you are eligible for HVRP services, contact:

Michael McCoy | HVRP Coordinator | (541) 431-3339 |
Visit our website | |
Stop in any Lane County Job Connections location |
