Chamber Business and Visitor Center Modified Workplace and Business Operations


The Springfield Chamber Area Chamber of Commerce is committed to offering top-value programs and services, those our members and community have come to expect. During the pandemic we have held this priority parallel with that of ensuring the health and well-being of our employees, members, and visitors. I’d like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our Chamber community for your patience and support as we continue to adjust, and for keeping your Chamber open for business so we can continue to serve you and our community. Like many of you, we are challenged with finding new ways to deliver on our promise to you. While our return to full reopening and large in-person programs and events may be gradual, our commitment to serve has never been stronger. 

Here are a few updates regarding the Springfield Chamber Business and Visitor Center’s Phase II modified operations:   

Chamber Staff:

  • Regular business hours remain Monday through Friday, 8:30am-5:00pm. Employees are working under a COVID-19 remote work flex plan to ensure employee health, wellness, and productivity while state-mandated guidelines for public spaces and office operations are in place. We’re maintaining 100% staffing, are here to serve you, and remain available during regular office hours.

Member and Business Center: 

  • We welcome requests for in-person consultations. We ask that you contact us in advance to set up a time and/or schedule an appointment. Guests will be required to adhere to all indoor state-mandated guidelines and to the Chamber’s workplace and business center health and sanitation protocols in place. 
    • Consult with staff or make an appointment by phone: 541-746-1651 or email:  STAFF CONTACTS

Visitors Center Grab-and-Go Information and Relocation Services:

  • We’re now offering pre-packaged, no-contact visitor and relocation information services. We simply recommend you call ahead so we can fulfill your request in advance. 
  • Requests may be made by phone: 541-746-1651 or email:

Meetings and Space Rental at the Chamber Offices:

  • Under Phase II guidelines we are able to accommodate meetings of up to 12 people. 
  • Please understand that our ability to accommodate your meeting request may be limited. Guests will be required to adhere to all indoor state-mandated guidelines and to the Chamber’s workplace and visitors center health and sanitation protocols in place. 

Information and Referrals: 

  • We have plenty of wonderful indoor and outdoor meeting places in the Springfield-Eugene and Lane County region. 
  • Our specialty is knowing where, who, and how to connect you to whatever you need. 

Online Business, Member, and Visitors Information and Resources: 

Please let us know of any questions or concerns.
Thank you,

Vonnie Mikkelsen
President & CEO, Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce
