Willamalane offers Springfield seniors two new services despite COVID-19 closures

Willamalane introduces two new services to help Springfield-area seniors stay healthy and connected while still staying physically distant. These services are in addition to the free meal program provided in collaboration with Lane Council of Governments since closing the center in mid-March. While Willamalane offerings are limited due to the Adult Activity Center closure, the district’s commitment to serve remains the same.
A Book & Puzzle Delivery exchange
This program helps seniors who may be experiencing isolation to access new activities. Willamalane staff offer no-contact book and puzzle delivery service to seniors. From 11 a.m.–2 p.m. on Wednesdays, items will be delivered to participants’ doors without them having to leave their homes. Or, participants may drop by for a convenient pick-up on Thursdays during Senior Meals curbside lunch service at Willamalane Adult Activity Center from 11 a.m.–1 p.m. The items may be borrowed for one month. To sign up, please call the front desk at 541-736-4444 to be put on a weekly list or sign up online at willamalane.org/services.
Community Breakfast this Summer!
On Friday, June 19 at 9 a.m., Willamalane Adult Activity Center is offering a curbside, pick-up style breakfast. Participants can say hello and share a fun breakfast to-go safely from their vehicles. Willamalane will be serving coffee and a hot homemade breakfast of pancakes, scrambled eggs, and bacon. Cost is a $3 suggested cash donation, and no registration is needed.