Night of 11,000 Stars


Watch Parties, Live Broadcast, VIP Jazz & Bubbles After Party!

Please join the Springfield Education Foundation (SEF) for this year’s Night of Eleven Thousand Stars Gala & Auction, presented by International Paper. Their annual fundraiser, which supports the nearly 11,000 students attending Springfield Public Schools, will be a virtual experience again this year and will include a live broadcast; online silent auction, live auction, and paddle raise for students; raffle prizes; impact stories, and more!

It’s free to register for the event and everyone is invited to participate. The Silent Auction opens on Monday, October 18, and runs through Friday, October 22. Be sure to register before Friday, October 15, to stay up to date and have your name entered into a special drawing to win a prize!

The Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce is a proud sponsor of this event.

We wish we could all be together celebrating, but this year we will enjoy the program online from our homes with our families or at a Watch Party with friends and neighbors. We hope to see you there!


With questions or for more information, contact the Springfield Education Foundation:
PO Box 663, Springfield OR, 97477 
1 (541) 726-3243
