Media Contact:
Springfield Board of REALTORS®
Isaac Rhoads-Dey, President
Email: Isaac@Isaacrhoadsdey.com
A Message from Springfield Board of Realtors® President Isaac Rhoads-Dey…
Springfield, Oregon, April 13, 2020. Over the last three weeks, since Governor Brown’s stay at home order brought the severity of the COVID-19 crisis to the forefront of our collective attention, I’ve been proud to see the commitment and ingenuity of our Realtor® and Affiliate members as well as our Realtor® organization. Our Springfield members have found ways to continue to do business while keeping themselves, their clients, and the public at large safe and healthy. Springfield Realtors® have incorporated virtual tours and open houses, as well as provided sanitizer and protective equipment to clients needing to view properties.
Mortgage lenders have navigated the extreme volatility in the secondary mortgage market and the challenges it has brought to their loans with grace and tenacity, while educating their clients about payment deferrals and forbearance. Insurance agents have Springfield Board of REALTORS Press Release delivered discounts, and payment delays for customers who need them. Home inspectors and appraisers have continued to evaluate properties. Title and escrow companies have adapted to continue closing transactions while adopting new social distancing requirements. The National Association of Realtors®, Oregon Association of Realtors®, and Springfield Board of Realtors have worked tirelessly to provide all of our members with education opportunities as well as business and community updates during these rapidly changing times.

Over these same three weeks, we have closed 78% of the sales in Springfield and Eugene that were closed the same time a year ago, per RMLS. Moving together as a Realtor® family through the process of learning how to operate in this new environment, I am optimistic that our market will continue to function smoothly, providing the housing to our local community that many of us are appreciating even more these days as we spend so much of our time in our homes. Real estate professionals in our area are navigating our current crisis with commitment to their clients, creativity in finding new ways to do business, and genuine care for the community we all live and work in.
I am proud to be a part of this industry, and especially proud to be a part of the Springfield Board of Realtors®.

Springfield Board of Realtors®
Where Members Come First
P.O. Box 51
Springfield, OR 97477
Ph: (541) 505-9952
Email: sbormembers@gmail.com