LTD Customer Service Satisfaction Survey


Help us improve your transit experience. Every year, LTD asks our customers to share with us, on a scale of 1 to 5, how they feel we are doing. It is that time of year again to ask you, our riders, to take the survey anytime through April 14. This survey is conducted through the American Bus Benchmarking Group (ABBG), and LTD will be compared against 15 other transit agencies across the country. Your feedback helps us improve our service, which makes transit easier and more enjoyable for you.

After last year’s survey, we learned that LTD exceeded the community’s expectations when it came to customer care, rider’s comfort, how fare is paid for, pollution reduction, and how safe our riders feel in general.

We are asking you to take a few minutes to let us know how you feel we are doing so that we can continue to improve your transit experience. For taking the survey, you will be entered to win one of five $25 gift certificates to a local restaurant or a monthly bus pass.

Take the survey at
