Here Comes the Sun


Spring has come again. It is hard to deny the sense of renewal and optimism that arrives with the season. The sun is shining, our gardens are blooming, and the hills are greening. 

I admit last year at this time, I felt anything but renewal and optimism. An economic crisis was knocking on our door and we were in a mad dash to solve problems we had never faced before. We could not fully predict where we were headed, what we were facing, or how we would come through. Then Summer came and went – followed by Fall, then Winter. And so, here we are again. Sure, we may be a bit weathered and weary, but are we not also motivated by what we accomplished and energized by what lies ahead?

Take for example the completion of not one but two world class facilities in Hayward Field and the Knight Campus. Contemplate that two new mixed-use housing development proposals are well underway within blocks of the full suite of downtown Springfield amenities. Think how Glenwood riverfront development has emerged as more than just a good idea we toss around. It is surely in the making as multiple viable proposals are currently in consideration.

The economic activity of these endeavors and many more like them will produce dividends many times over. It is no big leap to imagine the quality of place improvements, quality of life enhancements, and boost to economic activity that these and other developments will lead to. Innovation, job creation, visitor spending, and a better case for business expansion and talent recruitment are part and parcel. In short, we have a greater opportunity to improve our neighborhoods and our livelihoods. 

I was recently asked to submit a 30 second video describing what I love about our community. My list was long, and my time was too short. Ease of commute, yes. Safe neighborhoods, yes. Natural and cultural assets, yes. Economic opportunity, yes. Good food, yes. Social experiences, yes. It is not one but all of these and more in balance that contribute to community and a positive lived experience. Although none happen without economic activity, and so economic development is front and center as our community leaders consider our next bold moves. It is critical for us all that we not lose sight of how our community and our small business economy thrives. Economic development is undeniably the driver of community investment strategy.

We must aspire to create quality of life and place priorities that are important to us. Be it housing, education, parks, arts and entertainment, family wage jobs, safety, or cultural assets, any one well-intended community development priority can be important. Only with smart economic development investments in mind can we get there. 

We have a number of programs coming up this month and next that I urge you to attend. We offer them with you in mind, that you will be informed and inspired to engage in shaping community priorities that matter to you; and to provide you with the tools you need to make your business and your career a success.

Tuesday, April 20 from 12:00-1:00pm Springfield School Board Candidate Forum: Meet the candidates who are running on the May, 2021 ballot.

Tuesday, April 27 from 11:45am-1:00pm Meet the Developers: Glenwood Riverfront Proposals: Presentations from LOCALIS Partners and Glenwood Development, LLC.

Wednesdays, May 12, 19, and 26  Spring 2021 Business Boot Camp: Save the Dates and look for more information and registration links coming out soon!
