Lane Transit District: Portland Business Journal Names Jackson A Woman of Influence


EUGENE, Ore.—April 8, 2021—The Portland Business Journal (PBJ) has named Lane Transit District (LTD) General Manager Aurora (AJ) Jackson a Women of Influence for 2021.

For the past 18 years The Portland Business Journal has annually recognized 25 of the state’s most influential business women who’ve made a difference in their community and are leaving a positive mark on the Pacific Northwest through innovation, blazing a trail for others to follow, and showing a clear track record of outstanding business success and professional community involvement.

“This thoughtful recognition reflects the leadership of LTD’s Board of Directors and the dedication of every LTD employee who works hard every day to provide our passengers a safe and comfortable ride,” Jackson said. “I accept this honor on their behalf.”

Jackson was recommended for the recognition by Oregon State Senator Lee Beyer from Springfield; Vonnie Mikkelsen, President and CEO of the Springfield Chamber of Commerce; and Carmel Perez Snyder, AARP Oregon, Director of Advocacy and Education.  

“Under AJ’s leadership, LTD played an effective role in advocating for flexibility of statutory funding from which transportation and transit providers throughout Oregon were able to benefit,” Beyer said in his letter of recommendation nominating Jackson for the award. “Her foresight and leadership made a significant impact statewide. Locally, her sound strategic decisions at the onset of the pandemic, prioritized the health and safety of employees and passengers, allowing LTD to maintain a safe environment to maintain this essential service to our community. In the fall when infection rates seemed to be increasing at an alarming rate, AJ acted quickly and took the lead in a collaborative effort to develop a community COVID marketing campaign, providing resources to stakeholders throughout the region. Her efforts have resulted in building a strong coalition of community partners who are making a big impact in controlling the spread of this disease. ” 

On Friday, April 9, 2021, Jackson will be joined on a Women of Influence virtual panel discussion that includes: 

  • Jessica Getman, President, Brown & Brown Northwest Insurance
  • Kathy McAleer, COO, ZOOM+Care
  • Chabre Vickers, Vice President, Community Development Officer, Wells Fargo
  • Amy Winterowd, Vice President, JE Dunn Construction. 

Tickets to Friday’s Women of Influence virtual event are available HERE.

The list of the 2021 Women of Influence is HERE.

About Lane Transit District (LTD)

LTD provides more than 10 million boardings per year on its buses and EmX Bus Rapid Transit line in Lane County, Oregon. Encompassing the Eugene-Springfield metro area, LTD is a special district of the State of Oregon and led by a seven-member board of directors appointed by Oregon’s governor. LTD also operates RideSource, a paratransit service for people with disabilities, and numerous transportation options programs to promote sustainable travel county wide. 
