2022 Candidate Questionnaires – Springfield City Council

The Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce strongly encourages engagement between elected officials and chamber members as a way to inform and to be informed on issues of interest and impact to the chamber community. Local non-partisan elections are a great opportunity to deepen our understanding of each other.
While the Chamber will not be making any candidate endorsements, we seek to inform our members and voters by engaging in dialogue with those interested in serving and representing our community.
We invited each candidate running for office on the 2022 primary election ballot (opposed or unopposed) to submit their response to the following questions in writing. These questions have been formed with Springfield’s diverse group of business in mind, with issues of interest and impact on our business community and our local economy of most importance. Responses we received are published below.
Ward 1
Candidate Information
Full Name: Michelle Webber
Position Running for: City Council, Ward 1
Campaign Email: michelle-webber@comcast.net
Campaign Website (if applicable): N/A
Endorsements (if applicable): I have opted to not seek official endorsements but through community service have developed strong relationships with local elected officials, service organizations and business and community leaders
1. What should the business community know about you, your background, and your understanding of issues impacting their success?
I have been employed in the banking industry for 30 years with a focus on Commercial Loan Documentation. In my profession, I see first-hand the challenges businesses face due to economic cycles, rate adjustments and most recently the Covid 19 pandemic. I care deeply about Springfield and have served this community as a member of the Springfield School Board, Springfield Education Foundation, Springfield Library Foundation Board, Wildish Theatre Board, Springfield Rotary and Lane Transit District.
Local Business, Economic Development, Community Issues
2. What current or future issues of impact or interest to business and economic development will you champion and why? (no more than two please)
(i.e. Housing, Infrastructure Improvements, Main Street Safety Project, Climate Action, Taxes, Workforce and Education, Land Use, Indoor Track, Sports, and Event Facility)
How would you define a successful outcome of one or all of those issues?
All of the items listed are important and often intersect. As a Springfield resident, I support Springfield businesses which provide jobs for our citizens and tax revenue to support city services. As a member of Rotary and the Springfield Education Foundation, I know how difficult it is to find a location to hold events and would support a public – private partnership to build an event center in Springfield. I’m proud of the renewal of Springfield’s downtown and would like to see continued efforts in that area. Glenwood is Springfield’s gem in the rough and can provide many future opportunities for Springfields future growth.
Public Policy for Investment, Spending, Taxes, and Fees
3. What do you see as the best way to engage the business community in local government?
I believe the city needs to be in partnership with the business community on an ongoing basis, listening to their concerns and working with the Chamber to maintain an open dialogue and seeking input on major city decisions.
4. Where do you see opportunities to improve the quality of life, place, and commerce in Springfield and Lane County? What current or future investments can help build a thriving business community? Please offer up to three examples.
We can address housing issues by looking at land availability and development fees, we can take a more aggressive role in promoting economic development and, of course, making sure that we maintain a strong public safety presence.
5. The State of Oregon currently has a robust regulatory framework for businesses as well as tax burden that has increased over the past 3 years. How do you account for this in future policy decisions, and what do you see as solutions for preventing the need for further regulatory and tax expansion?
I hope to be able to work with our legislative partners to find alternate solutions.
Anything else you’d like to add?
Ward 2
Candidate Information
Full Name: Steve Moe
Position Running for: Springfield City Council Ward 2
Campaign Email: intercity@aol.com
Campaign Website (if applicable); Endorsements (if applicable);
1. What should the business community know about you, your background, and your understanding of issues impacting their success?
Lifetime supporter of Springfield. In business since 1960 and understand the issues that all businesses confront.
Local Business, Economic Development, Community Issues
2. What current or future issues of impact or interest to business and economic development will you champion and why? (i.e. Housing, Infrastructure Improvements, Main Street Safety Project, Climate Action, Taxes, Workforce and Education, Land Use, Indoor Track, Sports, and Event Facility, no more than two please)
Jobs and affordable housing.
How would you define a successful outcome of one or all those issues?
Successful businesses create jobs which in turn build infrastructure and homes for those working at those jobs.
2. What do you see as the best way to engage the business community in local government?
Running a business takes time but each business owner needs to volunteer and engage with the community.
Public Policy for Investment, Spending, Taxes, and Fees
4. Where do you see opportunities to improve the quality of life, place, and commerce in Springfield and Lane County? What current or future investments can help build a thriving business community? Please offer up to three examples.
Education. Public Safety. Support issues that enhance livability and the economy .
5. The State of Oregon currently has a robust regulatory framework for businesses as well as tax burden that has increased over the past 3 years. How do you account for this in future policy decisions, and what do you see as solutions for preventing the need for further regulatory and tax expansion?
Our legislature is supposed to create rules and laws that make life in Oregon better for everyone. Unfortunately, they all need money to implement. Businesses need to watch carefully what is proposed and get involved early to make change. Our Chamber of Commerce is one important vehicle as they help influence legislative issues.
Anything else you’d like to add?
Springfield is the best city in the world. I work hard and do the best I can to make it even better.
Ward 5
Candidate Information
Full Name: Mark Anthony Molina
Position Running for: Ward 5, Springfield City Council
Campaign Email: mark@molinaleadership.com
Campaign Website (if applicable):
Endorsements (if applicable): Democratic Party of Lane County, Labor Commissioner Val Hoyle, State Representative John Lively, State Senator Lee Beyer, City Councilor Kori Rodley, Willamalane Director Chris Wig
1. What should the business community know about you, your background, and your understanding of issues impacting their success?
My wife and I are both small business owners located here in Springfield. We are also homeowners here in Springfield. I spent several years on the Springfield Board of Directors learning about the unique and specific needs and challenges located within our business community. I have learned and understand how fees, taxes, charges, and special levy impact all areas of life and living here in our city. I lived through the housing market crash of 2008. My wife and I were one of many who lost our home, having to sell all belongings. I lived through this pandemic with all of you trying to keep our businesses and home afloat from the staggering losses we were all experiencing together. We were able to rebound and survive, unfortunately, many in our business community were not able to withstand the losses. Businesses carry the blessing of employing others as well as investing in our city and community one business transaction at a time. Therefore, we need the support of the elected leaders to help us be successful in our ability to endure the changing landscape of threats against our communities of business that we face daily.
Local Business, Economic Development, Community Issues
2. What current or future issues of impact or interest to business and economic development will you champion and why? (i.e. Housing, Infrastructure Improvements, Main Street Safety Project, Climate Action, Taxes, Workforce and Education, Land Use, Indoor Track, Sports, and Event Facility)
(no more than two please)
The Main Street Safety Project in its current rendition is a threat to the long-term viability of the business community up and down the proposed project. It will take away access to businesses, parking for businesses that will affect client, customers, employees, and vendors. It will have a negative impact on access to those living on Main Street as well. Though the period is 20 years, it will result in a final loss of all mentioned above. It will discourage entrepreneurs, current property owners, renters, and commuters in how they navigate and negotiate our critical access to our daily lives. Economic viability would be adversely affected by the changes, the construction process, and the way all the traffic would be required to engage the roundabouts.
Our city desperately needs an Event Facility. We need to have a place where local businesses can host local and regional events promoting business and economic development activities. An Event Facility can be used/rented by businesses and private groups in the community to host their large events creating a source of revenue for the operational costs. It could be used for local high school graduation ceremonies as well. Right now, most graduating students are only able to invite a couple of family members due to lack of space at their respective high schools. This Event Facility could resolve many of these community needs. The Chamber Annual Awards Banquet could also be hosted here in our city along with business development events.
How would you define a successful outcome of one or all of those issues? The Main Street Safety Project needs to go back to the drawing board. There are elements of it that are wonderful. However, the negative impacts on businesses are too great. It is not an acceptable loss as the risks are too high. This plan must be looked at again.
Event Facility, it is time for a serious conversation with discernible outcomes listed with a timeline agreed to by our elected officials on how we are going to do this. The money being considered for the Main Street Safety Project could be diverted to initiate this project which would have a much shorter completion time, bringing better results for Springfield.
3. What do you see as the best way to engage the business community in local government?
Beyond advocating for businesses at all levels, which is a MUST, I would like to see larger discussions being held with all types of businesses and business owners on the types of needs they have to find success. This would be a clear benefit to leaders from all sectors know, understand, and have intimate knowledge of who is doing business here in Springfield and what their businesses provide. If our local government engages with these businesses, the Chamber of Commerce, and other community development leaders we could have and build a powerful foundation on which we could all build together. Round table discussions and quarterly tours of our business community would be a real asset to holding these meaningful conversations.
Public Policy for Investment, Spending, Taxes, and Fees
4. Where do you see opportunities to improve the quality of life, place, and commerce in Springfield and Lane County? What current or future investments can help build a thriving business community? Please offer up to three examples.
We can improve quality of life here in Springfield and Lane County by ensuring housing enclaves are constructed that families can afford to purchase and/or rent. I see this as our most pressing need. We cannot attract outside developers or businesses when there is such a shortage of housing and affordable housing.
I would like to see a partnership with the local faith community, business and community advocates, the local Home Builders Association Community, and government officials to discuss how working together serves all who live here have more permanence in setting down roots to remain.
We need to identify potential available land and address purchasing it for the purposes of building livable housing and ensuring access to city services. Zoning may need to be addressed and should be for the purposes of housing construction.
Rental properties are also in great demand. New developments or retrofit projects should also become a serious pursuit and priority for businesses, developers, and government officials. I believe it must be a multi-pronged approach. This will ensure a real focus and collective action is taken by all stakeholders.
5. The State of Oregon currently has a robust regulatory framework for businesses as well as tax burden that has increased over the past 3 years. How do you account for this in future policy decisions, and what do you see as solutions for preventing the need for further regulatory and tax expansion?
NO MORE TAXES. NO NEW TAXES. The business community cannot continue to carry the burden of ongoing tax increases to pay for another program of any kind. Increases of every kind bring incredible harm to a business’s opportunity to build for the future and increase their footprint in economic development for the business, the employees, the community, who all benefit from the business expansion and profit increase. Businesses should be allowed to grow in every conceivable way without having to experience an increased tax burden for all their successes. Business has to find a way to move navigate the changing climate by reviewing operational demands and cost increases in ways that do not price them out of the market. Local government must also do the same. Local business leaders must be involved and informed on how they can address these issues and participate in the process of having them reversed. Ultimately, voting individuals out of office that harm the business community may be the best option.
Anything else you’d like to add?
We need a successful, profitable, creative, vibrant business community to secure our future and the future of our families here in Springfield. We need businesses that can take us into the future as the world changes. We also need to safeguard our historical businesses that have been the mainstay of our economy for generations. Production and manufacturing are still a wonderful way for mass employment to be met. Trade Schools, Apprenticeships, high school apprenticeships are a way to prepare the future tradespeople for a lucrative career right here home.
Full Name: Victoria Doyle
Position Running for: City Council Ward 5
Campaign Email: votevictoria2022@gmail.com
Cell 541-968-4930
Springfield Realtors Board
Homebuilders Association
Former Mayors Sid Leiken and Christine Lundberg
Cottage Grove Mayor Jeff Gowing
Councilor Joe Pishioneri
Councilor Marilee Woodrow
Eugene City Councilor Mike Clark (supporter)
West Lane County Commissioner Jay Bozevich
Chris Stewart, Dutch Bros
Joe Talkaky, McKenzie Glass
Danni Wright, McKenzie Feed
Dr James Lee, McKenzie Dental
1. What should the business community know about you, your background, and your understanding of issues impacting their success?
I was born in Springfield and have lived in Lane County my entire life. While in Cottage Grove, I served on the Budget Committee and was elected to City Council in 2010. After 13 years in CG my husband of 20 years and I moved back to Springfield in 2015 to be closer to family and jobs.
We owned and managed a family business (est 1994 in Springfield) until it was sold in 2012 so I understand the challenges of being a small business, having employees and working through government mandates and regulations. Adding to that knowledge, I was hired at The City of Eugene in Public Works Maintenance, and I now work in PW Engineering- where I review Land Use applications of private projects and help people navigate the city code to successfully develop land. I am aware of the middle housing bills; the climate action mandates that have recently been passed and how these changes are affecting businesses at all levels. I believe I bring a unique perspective that will be beneficial with the budget process and Planning Commission issues that come before council.
Local Business, Economic Development, Community Issues
2. What current or future issues of impact or interest to business and economic development will you champion and why? (no more than two please)
In my opinion, having a strong infrastructure in our city (good roads, sewer, storm facilities) is one of the primary duties of local government. No business will set up shop here in Springfield if the roads to get here are in disrepair or the streets flood every time it rains. Business also needs to know the city is safe and clean which is also a responsibility of your elected officials.
From what I have heard about the Indoor Track & Event facility, it shouts economic development and growth; I hope to hear more discussion about any project that fills our hotels, restaurants, and other Springfield businesses!
How would you define a successful outcome of one or all of those issues?
In 2017 I spearheaded the Go-Bond Measure because as a budget committee member I was frustrated with hearing the city only had enough money to maintain the existing roads (and barely cover that). The gas tax that once funded these things had not been increased since 2003 and timber dollars had dried up after 2008. I would have rather seen a small increase to the gas tax – I know that seems crazy given what we are seeing with gas prices today- but it would have been far more equitable in my opinion because every person using the roads would have been funding it and not just property owners. Since a fuel surcharge had not passed the voters previously, a bond was proposed to create a 5-year funding method to begin fixing roads and thankfully, with education and explanation, the voters agreed. Since 2019, nearly all of the roads that were proposed to be fixed have been ahead of schedule and well within budget.
3. What do you see as the best way to engage the business community in local government?
I have thought a lot about this because it is one of the reasons businesses effected by the Main Street project are so upset and concerned- they do not feel they were engaged in a way that was truly beneficial and reached the decision makers (owners) as it should have. Government needs to have TRUE transparency and a better way to reach those who are affected by policy and changes. I will make this a priority to solve if I am elected.
Public Policy for Investment, Spending, Taxes, and Fees
4. Where do you see opportunities to improve the quality of life, place, and commerce in Springfield and Lane County? What current or future investments can help build a thriving business community? Please offer up to three examples.
- Maintaining a solid first responder workforce with the tools they need to keep both us AND them safe. No one will come or stay if the community has high crime.
- Continuing to improve infrastructure and making it a priority in every budget cycle- this should include the opportunities within the Glenwood/ Franklin Blvd corridors and how we can incorporate that development to Springfield’s goal of more jobs, more homes, more commerce and tourism. We have an amazing growth potential, and it leads right to downtown Springfield off the I-5 corridor!
- Developing Land Use and Planning models that remove barriers to development and business growth. Here is an example of one idea: Why is there a fee in the planning department to have a project consultation with a developer who wants to open shop in Springfield or is deciding whether to choose Springfield or somewhere else? We should be encouraging those meetings by reducing or eliminating the cost and providing them all of the interested parties to their project at one meeting- this benefits the city as much as the applicant. If they choose not to move forward with the project, then we should somehow be circling back to find out why.
5. The State of Oregon currently has a robust regulatory framework for businesses as well as tax burden that has increased over the past 3 years. How do you account for this in future policy decisions, and what do you see as solutions for preventing the need for further regulatory and tax expansion?
In general, I have always been troubled by the level of regulation and tax burden that seems to hit smaller businesses the hardest. I do not know a LOT about the specifics except to say I am very concerned about the economic impact of the recent CFEC rules (as an example) handed down from Salem and how this is going to impact business and development. What will the unintended (or intended) consequences be from that over the next 3-5 years? We all want to have clean air and robust communities however sweeping changes or unfunded mandates are not necessary to accomplish this. I will do my best to stay up on those things at the state and federal level that could have impact on our community and do my best to address them.
Anything else you’d like to add?
I am not a typical politician and I have no higher aspirations beyond my local community and its government. I’m just someone who believes that its necessary to have public representation and input when it comes to decisions that affect our quality of life right here where we can actually make a difference. I am asking for your vote and the support of the business community to help us continue to make Springfield a desirable place for people to visit, shop, live, raise a family and retire. If my message resonates with you, or you have questions for me, please reach out to me at votevictoria2022 or call and I will be happy to respond or meet with you in person. Thank you for your consideration!