Canines for Clean Water Calendar Contest – enter now for a chance to have your pup featured in the 2023 calendar!

Perfect for those of us who love dogs and spend time in the great outdoors, this contest reminds us that every day we can make it a safer place for us, our pooches, and the natural areas where we play. We do that when we “scoop the poop” because that prevents unhealthy bacteria from washing into storm drains and out to local waterways, including the Willamette and McKenzie Rivers.
To enter your beloved canine for a spot in the 2023 calendar, find the March 29th post on the City of Springfield’s Facebook page and comment on that post and include the cutest recent photo of your dog, #scoopthepoop to pledge to pick up, and #springfieldoregon to verify that you live in Springfield.
You can also enter the contest by emailing with Canines 2023 in the subject line. Into the email, type your pledge: I pledge to help keep our local waterways clean and healthy by picking up after my pet. Include your name, address, and phone number within the email.

Please note – the contest is for Springfield residents only. For more information about Canines for Clean Water and the contest, visit We can’t wait to see photos of your dog! Thanks for scooping the poop 🙂
Take the pledge!
We’ll mail a free Canines for Clean Water bandana and poop-bag holder to Springfield community members who sign up here, pledging to keep Springfield’s waterways clean and healthy by picking up after their pooches. Springfield residents only.