New LTD Board Members Announced


EUGENE, Ore. —(December 9, 2021)— Oregon Governor Kate Brown has appointed retired Springfield City Manager Gino Grimaldi and information technology consultant and Eugene community leader Pete Knox to the Lane Transit District’s (LTD) Board of Directors.

“Gino and Pete have extensive experience in organizational governance and public policy that will benefit their subdistricts as well as all the communities served by LTD,” said Caitlin Vargas, LTD’s President of the Board of Directors, representing Subdistrict 6 (West Eugene/HWY 99, River Road, and Junction City areas). “We are pleased to welcome Gino and Pete to the LTD Board of Directors.”

“We are pleased to welcome Gino and Pete to the LTD Board of Directors.”

Grimaldi represents Subdistrict 1 (East Springfield to McKenzie Bridge). He brings 45 years of local government leadership experience to the LTD Board of Directors. He served as Springfield City Manager from 2006 through his retirement in 2019. He has also served as Springfield’s Assistant City Manager, City Manager of Ashland, Oregon, and has held government leadership positions in Jackson County, Oregon, and with the City of Portland, Maine. During his tenure with the City of Springfield, Grimaldi also staffed its Human Rights Commission. Active in the Springfield community, he was named the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce’s Distinguished Citizen in 2019.

Knox represents Subdistrict 5 (Central and West Eugene, including the University area and downtown, and the Whiteaker, Jefferson, and West Side neighborhoods). A life- long transit rider who has used many different transit systems as an able-bodied person and as a person with mobility disabilities, Knox is an information technology consultant who is former Co-Chair of the City of Eugene’s Neighborhood Leaders Council and is the former Chair of the Downtown Neighborhood Association and West University Neighbors. As a representative of the Downtown Neighborhood Association, he has worked with residences, businesses, and groups, such as the NAACP, to help combat hate and bias in our communities. 

Grimaldi, Knox, and Vargas are joined on the LTD Board of Directors by: Michelle Webber, Subdistrict 2 (West Springfield); Don Nordin, Treasurer of the LTD Board of Directors, Subdistrict 3 (Southeast Eugene, Creswell, Cottage Grove, and Lowell); Emily Secord, Secretary of the LTD Board of Directors, Subdistrict 4 (North Eugene-east of River Road and the Coburg areas) and Susan Soonkeum Cox, Subdistrict 7 (Southwest Eugene, Veneta, and Fern Ridge areas). 

Information about LTD board meetings, including live streaming on Metro-TV cable Channel 21 and via a Metro-TV link, can be found online.

About Lane Transit District (LTD)

LTD provides more than 10 million boardings per year on its buses and EmX Bus Rapid Transit line in Lane County, Oregon. Encompassing the Eugene-Springfield metro area, LTD is a special district of the State of Oregon and led by a seven-member board of directors appointed by Oregon’s governor. LTD also operates RideSource, a paratransit service for people with disabilities, and numerous transportation options programs to promote sustainable travel county- wide. 
