Pollinator Project Takes Root at the Porchia Holistic Eco-Farm in Mohawk Valley


The Xeres Society for Invertebrate Conservation granted the Porchia Eco-Farm & Wildlife Sanctuary 80 hedgerow pollinator plants to enhance pollen, nectar, and nesting habitat for pollinators while providing food, cover, and corridors for other wildlife. Hedgerow pollinator plants are a type of plant that is incorporated into hedgerows – dense rows of shrubs, trees, or herbaceous plants often used as natural fences or wildlife corridors – to attract and support pollinators like bees, butterflies, birds, and other beneficial insects. These plants are chosen specifically for their ability to provide nectar, pollen, or habitat for pollinators.

Volunteers from the Northwest Youth Corps Urban Community Forestry Program, the Boys & Girls Club of Emerald Valley and Springfield High School showed up over two weekends in November, between 9:30am and 4:30pm, to assist with the planting of these essential pollinator plants.

Saturday/Sunday, November 16 & 17:
Soil prep work, dig holes  & planting
Saturday, November 23: Deer protection, mending fences after ice storm
9:30am – 4:30pm 
Porchia Holistic Eco-Farm & Wildlife Sanctuary, a private property with a mission
Entry by advance arrangement with owner
Liability waiver must be signed in advance of coming onto the property

These volunteers were the first for this community event in support of the Eco-Farm’s inspired vision and mission statement. Farm Angel volunteer kids from the Boys & Girls Club that ranged in age from 11-14, Youth Corps volunteers aged 19-26, and Springfield High School teens aged 15-17, all came together to work together, learn from each other, share, and have fun experiencing the Eco-Farm while being of service to the greater good of future generations through the Eco-Farm’s mission statement.

The Porchia Eco-Farm & Wildlife Sanctuary is a privately owned property in fertile Mohawk Valley set up for the practice, study, and education of small family organic farming, ecosystem conservation and human health and wellness through Nature and preserving small farms, chemical-free food production.  Founded by Dianne Porchia, featured in HEAL Documentary (Amazon Prime Video) for her successful healing work with an advanced-stage cancer client who remains cancer free after a diagnosis of stage IV colorectal cancer.

Since 2001, PorchiasWISH™ Whole Integrated Self Health, Path to Healing, Loving & Living Consciously, has been helping people from all over the world heal from trauma, illness, disease, divorce and a wide variety of advanced stage cancers through the principles and practice of mind-body medicine, holistic stress reduction, spiritual practices and heart-soul centered communication skills. Porchia sees the Eco-Farm as an extension of her 24-year long wellness practice.

90% of Porchia’s clients from around the world are diagnosed with some sort of auto-immune disorder or advance stage cancer which is alarming to Porchia, who reminds her clients that cancer and auto-immune disorders don’t happen overnight. They are the result of an accumulation of toxic stress over time. Toxic stress can be physical toxic stress on systems of the body from physical injury or chronic imbalance, chemical-environmental toxic stress from chemicals and pollutants in our living and work spaces, air, food, and water supply, or mental-emotional toxic stress from toxic relationships.

If you or your organization are interested in volunteering as a Farm Angel, would like to conduct your own class, workshop or seminar at the Eco-Farm or have Dianne Porchia lead a holistic wellness workshop or retreat at the Eco-Farm, please contact: dianne@porchiaswish.com, 310-850-2499.  dianne@porchiaswish.com   www.porchiaswish.com   www.HEALDocumentary.com


Farm Angels Come To The Eco-Farm

Work Party at the Eco-Farm
