Applicants Sought for Springfield Boards, Committees, and Commissions


The City of Springfield is seeking dedicated individuals who want to offer their talents, experience, and perspectives to help make a difference in the Springfield community! Community members are needed for a variety of Springfield boards, committees, and commission opportunities. Applications are available by visiting

The Springfield City Council goals include fostering an environment that values diversity and inclusion. Springfield is a diverse community and individuals of all ages, ethnic and religious backgrounds, gender, and sexual orientation are encouraged to apply.

The deadline to submit your application for any of the Boards, Committees, and Commissions is 5 p.m., Monday, October 17, 2022. Due to current COVID precautions, the City asks that you complete and submit your application electronically if possible and email it to or contact the staff liaison listed for the committee you are interested in to make other arrangements.

Applicants will be interviewed during the month of November 2022 by the Springfield City Council during one of the four Work Sessions scheduled. Dates and times to be announced.

The following are brief descriptions of the positions currently open with the City of Springfield. For full descriptions and information, view The City’s press release from September 21, 2022.

Springfield History Museum Committee

The City is seeking applicants with strong interest in the history and culture of Springfield to fill one vacancy on its Museum advisory committee. The person appointed will serve a three-year term that will expire on December 31, 2025.

For Additional Information: Madeline McGraw at 541.726.3677 or

Historic Commission 

The City is accepting applications to fill two open positions on the Historic Commission.  The qualifications for membership on the Historic Commission include being appointees of Willamalane Park & Recreation District or Springfield School District #19; or individuals who meet professional qualifications in the disciplines of architecture, history, architectural history, archeology, or related fields who live within the Metropolitan Area General Plan boundaries; or residents, electors, or property owners within Springfield. 

The candidates appointed to these positions are eligible to serve up to two, four-year terms. For more information, contact Mark Rust at 541.726.3654 or

Springfield Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee

The City is accepting applications for six voting member positions on the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC). The Committee advises City of Springfield staff and partner agencies on bicycle and pedestrian policies, programs, and facilities. The Committee meets approximately six times each year during even numbered months, with subcommittee meetings on the alternating months. Candidates will be appointed to serve a three-year term beginning in January 2023.

Learn more about BPAC and its past efforts.

For Additional Information: Michael Liebler at 541.736.1034 or

Springfield Arts Commission

The City is seeking applicants with strong interest in the arts, culture, and heritage of Springfield to fill three vacancies on its Springfield Arts Commission. The persons appointed will serve partial terms that will expire on December 31, 2023, 2024, and 2025 respectively.

For Additional Information: Mindy Linder at 541.744.3388 or

Springfield Public Library Board

The City is seeking two dynamic Springfield residents, or property owners to join the Springfield Public Library Board in order to help the Library fulfill its mission to provide library services for personal enrichment, enjoyment, and lifelong learning for all Springfield residents. We are recruiting for one full four-year term that runs through December 2026 and a partial term that runs through December 2025.

For Additional Information: Emily David at 541.726.2235 or

Springfield Police Advisory Committee

The City is seeking applications to fill volunteer positions on the nine member Springfield Police Advisory Committee. There are currently two open positions, one Local Business Community Representative, and one Citizen-at-Large Representative.

For more information about the Springfield Police Advisory Committee or future meeting information, please call Tiffany Monroe at 541.726.3721.
