Springfield Chamber Small Business Solutions Hub is Live!


The Small Business Solutions Hub is a digital resource designed to connect small business Chamber members to a network of local experts and partners, business advising services, and a library of Chamber education tools. The hub will evolve to meet local needs with quarterly business education programming, and information from local investor partners, so make sure to check back regularly for new and helpful programs, links, and connections!

With a range of top Investor Partners – Kaiser Permanente, Chambers Construction, Hershner Hunter, Hutchinson Cox, and Oregon Community Credit Union – the Small Business Solutions Hub can connect you to the assistance you need.

Did you miss a Springfield Chamber Program and want to catch up? Make sure to check out the Resource Library! Here you can find recordings sorted by program and year, so you can find the information most pertinent to your business.

Looking for something else? Make sure to check our list of additional business development contacts to help you connect with the Lane SBDC, Community Lendingworks, the City of Springfield, and more.

Questions? Contact Dani Thompson, Manager of Programs & Business Services at dani@springfield-chamber.org
