LTD Snow Routes, Be Prepared for Winter


On Monday, Dec. 27, 2021, LTD will begin the morning operating all bus service on snow routes due to the heavy snowfall and icy conditions on many parts of the valley floor.  Passengers are advised to plan ahead, stay warm, and to be safe. For route information, and to sign up for the latest bus service alerts,  go to at and follow us on Twitter @LaneTransit.  LTD encourages all passengers to sign up for service alerts for the latest information about LTD bus service.  More information is in the news release originally distributed 12/13/21 and then redistributed on 12/23/21. It located below this message.
Also,  Lane Transit District will offer free rides to people going to the Egan Warming Center to get warm when the overnight temperatures are forecasted to dip below freezing from Nov. 15 through March 31.

As a reminder, regardless of weather conditions, Federal mandates require all persons to wear a face mask covering the nose and mouth when traveling on LTD buses and on the District’s property.

Be Prepared For Winter!

It is that time of the year when snow, slippery sidewalks and slick streets can arrive overnight. Know your winter bus route before winter arrives. Here are four ways to prepare right now to travel by LTD bus during snow and icy weather:

1.    Go to, click on the routes you use and see if there is a blue snowflake symbol displayed on the route. This indicates that on snow or ice days, your route could be delayed or detoured. Plan ahead when snow is forecasted and expect delays.

2.    Follow LTD on Twitter (@LaneTransit). The LTD website Service Alerts page and Twitter will be updated regularly, and local news sources will be kept informed, as well.

3.    Prepare a grab-and-go bag of snowy day essentials, such as a hat, scarf and gloves, a clip-on light to keep your hands free and spare socks.

4.    Remember to tune into the local television or radio newscast for weather conditions and closures.

Standard Snow & Ice detour maps are available online at or at the Customer Service Center at the Eugene Station.
