Second Quarter Update From 2021 Springfield Board of Realtors® President Becki Trowbridge…

Springfield, Oregon, April 1, 2021.
Spring is here – can you believe it? This year has been flying by. So much activity and change; coming out of our pandemic restrictions week by week with vaccinations becoming more readily available, an increasing demand for housing and a market with extremely low inventory. To top that off, we also have some especially important housing legislative activities happening at the capitol in Salem, Oregon.
March 10th was Realtor’s Day at the Capitol where a large contingency of Oregon Realtors attended virtual gatherings with our state and local representatives to speak on behalf of all property owners. Some of the bills and topics that we addressed were, preserving Oregon’s mortgage interest deduction, where over 100 realtors showed up to a public hearing to testify that we need to keep this deduction and oppose two bills that were presented to minimize or replace this deduction. Realtors also spoke to representatives about the importance of developing new housing opportunities, protecting property rights, and to shore up the rental housing market by passing tax credits for rent forgiveness.
We live in an unprecedented time – we have no blueprint for what is ahead. The rest of this year promises to be a grand one. Spring is here – more houses will come on the market, more buyers will be ready to buy, more opportunities will be opened for us to serve our community. Get involved! It’s a great time to be involved in Real Estate – there are so many ways we can serve people, so just do it! Say yes to an opportunity to make your city, your community, your state, a better place.

Becki Trowbridge
2021 SBOR President
Where Members Come First
P.O. Box 51
Springfield, OR 97477
Ph: (541) 505-9952