New Member Profile: Advantech


We recently got the chance to do an interview with one of our newest members, Philip Brooks, the owner of Advantech Business Solutions. We asked how they got their start, the importance of technology in the workplace today and what a managed IT service provider can do for your business. Check it out!

What’s the history of the business? What got you into the field?

I have personally been into computers for the better part of 35 years. Soon after digging into my first IBM Display writer I was the go-to guy for all computing questions for friends, family, and (when I was old enough) business contacts. Not only troubleshooting but advice on what would be best for X , Y, or Z cases. Naturally, as a geek, I loved the challenge of it, learning new tech, research, etc.… but what I found most rewarding was that I made a real, tangible difference to the people and companies I serviced. And not only to the owners and bean counters (we all love em right?) but to the front-line worker at the desk doing the day-to-day work. I enjoyed being the hero. While working IT for various companies and consulting on the side; I saw how things were getting done at all levels of business, and often how they were being done wrong. Either by cutting corners, lack of real expertise, or (all too often) simple greed. So in 2015, I formed Advantech as an MSP because I knew that I wanted to focus on businesses exclusively. I wanted to build real, long-lasting relationships built on trust. Relationship-first if you will. The first few years were spent developing processes and supplier contracts while I boot-strapped it all via working several jobs. In 2020 that, like so much else, changed and we were ready (forced?) to grow from infancy to a full-fledged MSP.

What is the heart of Advantech Business Solutions? Why do you do what you do?

We believe, at our core, that technology is second only to the employees themselves when it comes to the success or failure of a business. With so much on a business owner / manager’s plate, the technology that drives a business can be forgotten or relegated to the “well it works well enough” mindset. But that leads to missed opportunities, security risks, and loss of productivity that eats away at the success of any business… sometimes that even sinks a business entirely. To that end, you need to implicitly trust your IT provider. You need to know that they have your best interests at heart and that they know the right solution for any problem. Because without that level of trust everything collapses. That’s why we call our umbrella of services: the Advantech Total Shield™.  I’m going to show my geek side a bit here, but if the Captain can’t trust their shields, the fight is already over.

What does Advantech Business Solutions do best?

Finding opportunities to improve business processes by identifying needs/ areas of improvement that others frequently miss and then showing, in an easy to understand way, how that opportunity can benefit our clients and in turn their customers/patients.    

Are there any commons signs that it’s time to get your business set up with a Managed IT Service Provider?

So the short answer is: if you use technology for your business you should reach out to an MSP. You can offload all the stress of managing your technology to a company whose sole purpose and talent is to make your business better. At Advantech our relationships always start with a simple chat to get to know you and your business and how you both use technology, from there we see what ways we can help you do whatever it is you do better.

The longer answer is, There are so many aspects to the technology that while there is always an opportunity that we can find, from the perspective of a business owner that gets harder to self-identify. Few people have the time or desire to keep up with the latest and greatest in tech or the latest security issues. And, If you are waiting for something to break you are already losing business… That is actually WHY you contract out to an MSP. A knowledgeable team of experts whose sole passion is to elevate your technology so you don’t have to. All businesses have some technology that falls into our purview, most fall into two categories for who takes care of those items. Owners or the ubiquitous “Buddy who knows about computers” and neither is ideal.

Owners: Even if you are an expert with decades of experience you have a million and one other things that need your attention, or you’d be in the IT business yourself!

Buddy: Usually these are well-meaning and talented folks but they have limits. Another job, school, lack of business IT experience, limited or no direct supplier contacts, scheduling issues… whatever it is it means that they are supplemental, at best.

Why did you choose to open shop in Eugene/Springfield?

As a longtime resident of the Eugene/Springfield area, it only made sense. We want to see the emerald Valley thrive and helping businesses into the future of technology is our passion.

What are some of the key benefits to a business owner, having a Managed IT Service Provider?

As an MSP, Business Technology is all we do. We have the tools, supplier contacts, resources, 24/7/365 monitoring systems, alert mechanisms, etc. dedicated to the task of watching over your technology, keeping it secure, and integrating new technologies to your needs. The beauty of the MSP model is that any size of business can benefit. The cost of an IT department is prohibitive to most businesses and maintaining an in-house IT staff is a burden for any company. An MSP like Advantech offers tech services as a flat monthly line item so there are no surprise costs. 99.99% of what we do is remote. This means quicker turnaround times for service, limited contact for safety, and often service that happens before you even know there is a problem.

An MSP also provides something that cannot be matched, even with an in-house IT dept. A large, flexible pool of knowledgeable staff without direct additional cost. An MSP has multiple techs, installers, and other staff that a business owner gains the benefit of without paying a premium on their bill. As we hire, train, and grow our staff our clients… ALL of our clients, benefit.  

What does the future hold for Advantech?

Growth! After the 2020 we all had we are looking forward to 2021! We aim to be the default name in IT service you can trust.    

Big thanks to Philip for sharing his story and letting us get to know what Advantech is all about. Check out their website where you will not only find information about our service offerings but lots of tech articles on our blog along with whitepapers on numerous issues SMB’s face with technology. Or drop them a direct line, knowing what a relationship-first company Advantech is, they would love to answer any questions you have directly!
