LTD & AMTRAK Make it One-Ticket to and From Oakridge

EUGENE, Ore.—(Nov. 24, 2020)— Lane Transit District (LTD) has made it easier for AMTRAK passengers traveling to and from Oakridge.
“It’s now much simpler for Oakridge residents and visitors to utilize AMTRAK as part of their travel plans,” said John Ahlen, LTD Accessible Services Program Manager. “Passengers on the Diamond Express bus, which connects Oakridge with the Eugene AMTRAK station, can now purchase their tickets directly through AMTRAK.”
Ahlen says that LTD is pleased to be working with AMTRAK to make traveling to Oakridge via mass transit a streamlined process, “Working with AMTRAK and other transportation providers to make traveling across the District easier is an important way LTD works to connect people to the places they need to go.”
Information about LTD’s Diamond Express can be found at

About Lane Transit District (LTD)
LTD provides more than 10 million boardings per year on its buses and EmX Bus Rapid Transit line in Lane County, Oregon. Encompassing the Eugene-Springfield metro area, LTD is a special district of the State of Oregon and led by a seven-member board of directors appointed by Oregon’s governor. LTD also operates RideSource, a paratransit service for people with disabilities, and numerous transportation options programs to promote sustainable travel county wide.