2020 Annual Awards & Installation Banquet


Join us for the 70th Annual Awards & Installation Banquet~ a truly inspiring evening celebrating outstanding businesses and individuals for their invaluable contributions to the greater Springfield area. 

This banquet fosters the community spirit of the greater Springfield area and is attended by over 300 of our most influential community leaders, elected officials, business executives, and Chamber members, all joining together to celebrate our most valuable assets – our members and citizens.

Register HERE

Location: Lane Community College: Center for Meeting and Learning
4000 E. 30th Ave, Building 19 Eugene, OR
Date /Time: Friday, January 17, 2020, 5:30 – 9:00 PM
RSVP: Online (here) or call 541-746-1651
Dress: Cocktail Attire
Contact Information: Paige Sharpe (Send an Email)
$75 per person
$650 reserved table of 8

Sponsorship Opportunities:

$850 Silver Table Sponsor 

  • 1 Drink Ticket Per Person
  • Sponsor Gifts
  • Logo Recognition  
  • Inclusion in a “Thank you” in our February Bottom Line 
  • Recognition in Social Media Outlets

$1250 Gold Table Sponsor

  • Sponsor Gifts
  • Premium Placement to Stage
  • 2 Bottles of Wine
  • 1 Drink Ticket Per Person
  • Logo Recognition  
  • Inclusion in a “Thank you” in our February Bottom Line 
  • Recognition in Social Media Outlets

For more information, contact Paige Sharpe, Director of Development & Talent Initiatives
Email paige@springfield-chamber.org or call (541) 746-1651
