Lane County: COVID-19 Update and Wildfire Update as of 09/29/2020


The following update was provided by Steve Mokrohisky, County Administrator of Lane County, Oregon.

COVID-19 Case and Testing Update in Lane County as of 09/29/2020

  • 66,465 total tests conducted for Lane County residents (+617)
  • 1,276 total cases (+37); please note that we are now reporting lab confirmed tests and presumptive cases together.
  • 189 infectious (+10); this is the case population that is currently shedding the virus that might infect other people. Cases are considered infectious when they are 10 days or less from a positive test result
  • 10 hospitalized (+1)
  • 17 deaths (no change)

Local COVID-19 Updates and Data:

Local Recovery Updates and Information:

State Guidelines and Information:

Holiday Farm Fire Update

Lane County is beginning to shift its fire Emergency Operations Center from response to recovery. We are focused on short term and transitional housing for those displaced by the fire, counseling and human services, debris clean up, utility and communications repair, and environmental restoration, among other support.

The Holiday Farm Fire has burned more than 174,404 acres. The fire is 60 percent contained. There are no evacuations remain in the fire area. All county roads are open, but access is limited by ODOT restrictions on Highway 126 between mileposts 27.5 to 38 within the fire area due to unsafe conditions (hazard trees, landslides, ash and damaged infrastructure).

All evacuations have been lifted as of September 25th. 

768 structures have been destroyed. One fatality has been confirmed. To have so many structures destroyed and only one fatality is truly remarkable and a testament to all those involved in early emergency notifications, road clearing, public safety assistance and community engagement. 

The Red Cross has placed 678 residents in hotels in Lane County. The congregate shelter at Churchill High School is now closed.

The Multi-Agency Resource Center (MARC) has served over 900 people affected by the fire in the past two weeks. The MARC will be open again Friday, October 2 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Lane Events Center.

The livestock shelter at the Lane Events Center has been up and running since September 8th and has housed over 600 animals. The shelter is currently down to approximately 20 animals and we anticipate closure by the end of this week. Companion animals are being housed at Greenhill Society.

Community members and organizations interested in contributing support for those affected by the fire are encouraged to donate to a local fund online at; by mailing checks to United Way of Lane County at 3171 Gateway Loop, Springfield, OR 97477, or by calling (541) 741-6000.

The Holiday Farm Fire and COVID-19 create unprecedented stress, strain and challenge for our employees, families and communities throughout Lane County. Please make sure to take time for yourself, practice mindfulness and resiliency, and we will get through these challenges together.
