Inaugural Leadership Summit a Success


On September 19th, the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce held its inaugural Leadership Summit at Lane Community College Center for Meeting and Learning. Over 100 community and business leaders attended the full day Summit to hear from a variety of inspirational individuals and thought leaders. This Leadership Summit was developed by the steering committee for the Springfield Leadership Workshop

The Summit featured three keynote presenters, with an additional two breakout sessions where attendees were able to choose between tracks in organizational and civic leadership. Our first keynote presenter, Bev Smith – Executive Director of Emerald KIDSPORTS, Olympic basketball player and coach, and four-time hall of famer – discussed her varied experience leading teams. Whether on the court or in business, the 6 P’s are her roadmap to leadership; Passion, Purpose, Pride, Patience, Perseverance, and Process. She left us with a quote from a former coach; “If what you aim to do in life is going to have the awesome factor, I will tell you it won’t be easy. If it is easy, it probably won’t be awesome.”

The lunch keynote, delivered by Aaron Linsdau, focused on building individuals into powerful contributors. Aaron holds the world record for the longest trek across Antarctica to the South Pole. As he took us through his journey, he stressed that overcoming challenges, whether in business or hiking across an ice desert, takes overwhelming positivity, grit, and courage. 

Our final keynote of the day, Dr. Terry Joseph Bush, has a long history in leadership roles, including a distinguished career with the Central Intelligence Agency where he held senior assignments such as Director of Leadership Analysis, Deputy Inspector General, and Director Human Resource Management.  He is now President and CEO of his own consulting practice and author of several books. Terry’s real passion lies in creating positive dialogue, especially when discussing politics. His hour-long workshop at the Leadership Summit focused on depolarizing conversations through examining one’s own political biases and triggers. In creating civil dialogue, it is imperative we listen to understand, not to advance our own agenda.

Breakout sessions included topics such as Conscious Leadership with Kathleen Gage, Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast with Rachel Ulrich, Oregon’s Political Landscape with J.L. Wilson, and a mixed public/private panel on diversity, equity and inclusion with panelists from the Bethel School District, Lane County, and Royal Caribbean, named the best employer for diversity in 2019 by Forbes Magazine. 

The Summit concluded with a Leaders in Innovation Showcase, featuring three back-to-back presentations from Kiki Prottsman, a tech entrepreneur, recipient of Stevie’s coveted 2017 Female Innovator of the Year Award, and master of “The Pivot”; Rob Freres, President of Freres Lumber Company, named one of the World’s Most Innovative Companies by Fast Company magazine this year; and Robert Guldberg, Vice President and Robert and Leona DeArmond Executive Director of the Phil and Penny Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact.

Finally, a huge thank you to our wonderful Summit Sponsors:

Title Sponsor Kaiser Permanente
Keynote SponsorMcKenzie-Willamette Medical Center
Track Sponsor IEQ Technology
Ice Cream SponsorUmpqua Bank
Corporate Table SponsorsPacificSource Health Plans, Umpqua Bank, Chambers Construction
