Blue Ribbon Speaker Dr. Bill Crawford Speaking Engagement


Submitted by Jeanette Montagu, Farmers Insurance

Clarity, Confidence, & Creativity, New Information on The Science of Dealing With Stress, People, & Life

Everyone has heard the statistics…75% of people today describe their lives as “very stressful,” and given the pace of globalization, chances are that it’s only going to get worse. Going way beyond “stress management,” Dr. Crawford first demonstrates why so much of the advice about how to deal with these problems will never work. Then, using common language and common sense, he gives his audiences a step- by-step system for changing the chemical make-up of our body and accessing the clear, confident, creative part of the brain so that we can deal with stress, people, and life more successfully, even in the most difficult situations.

Register HERE!

In addition to being named TEC Canada’s Speaker of the Year for 2016, Dr. Bill Crawford holds a masters degree and PhD in psychology from the University of Houston. He is also a licensed psychologist, author of seven books, and organizational consultant. Over the last 30 years, he has created more than 3,500 presentations for such organizations as Sprint, Shell, The American Medical Association, PBS and many other organizations and professional associations, both nationally and internationally. In addition, his two PBS specials have been seen by more than 15 million people, and he has been quoted as an expert in such diverse publications as The New York Times, Entrepreneur, The Chicago Tribune, Investor’s Business Daily, and Working Mother, just to name a few.

This event is sponsored by Willamette Business Builders, read more about them HERE. This article was written by Willamette Business Builders.
