40th Annual Bookmark Design Contest


Springfield Public Library invites k-12 students to create a bookmark

Springfield Public Library invites all Springfield K-12 students to enter our 40th annual bookmark design contest. The winning bookmarks will be professionally printed and available in the library for the 2021 Summer Reading Program. Entry forms are available at the library during curbside pick-up hours, at school lunch sites and bus routes, and online at wheremindsgrow.org. Entries can be returned in library book drops, during curbside pick-up or at school lunch sites.

  • What: 40th Annual Bookmark Contest
  • When:  entries due December 31
  • Where:  Springfield Public Library, Springfield Public Schools lunch sites
  • Additional Information: Mindy Linder, mlinder@springfield-or.gov

Gingerbread Construction

A Teen Program at Springfield Public Library

There are many opportunities for teens to make art this December at the Springfield Public Library. At 4:30 p.m., December 8, join in the Virtual Teen Tuesday event and work on projects and show off finished masterpieces . . . or just eat your gingerbread constructions. Starting Wednesday, December 2, gingerbread kits will be available for pickup during curbside hours. For teens ages 12 and older, free.

The annual Springfield Public Library Bookmark contest is also happening this month, with entries for grades K-12 due by 5 p.m., December 31. Entry forms can be picked up during curbside hours starting immediately.

Follow the Springfield Public Library on Facebook, check out the library website, or reach out to Teen Services librarian Cara Kinsey for more information about ongoing library offerings for teens, including: free online tutoring, weekly programs, monthly book club, and volunteer opportunities. Thanks to the Teen Advisory Board for helping choose our virtual program lineup!

Preschool Fun with Art & Science Online Storytime

Celebrate the season by learning about festivals of light from around the world. Plus, ask for a free take-home activity kit

Families with preschoolers, join Librarian LuCinda online at 10 a.m., Wednesday, December 9 to learn how people around the world celebrate the season. Then, stop by the library during our curbside pick-up times (1-3 p.m., Monday-Saturday) and ask for a free take-home activity kit. Visit the online calendar at wheremindsgrow.org for the event link and more information.

  • What: Online preschool Art & Science Storytime
  • When:  10 a.m., Wednesday, December 9
  • Where:  Virtual event with Zoom, find link at wheremindsgrow.org
  • Additional Information: LuCinda Gustavson, 541.726.2287, lgustavson@springfield-or.gov

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