ILLUMINATION Exhibit Highlights the Rich Multicultural History and Present of Springfield


Featured photo is of one of the Springfield residents who will be included in the exhibit, Rosalba Rodriguez.
Photo credit: Ofelia

ILLUMINATION opens Friday, December 10, 2021, and runs through February 12, 2022. The land we call Springfield today is home to more than 60,000 residents, all of whom have unique personal and ancestral stories and experiences that contribute to our collective history, and our rich, multicultural present. ILLUMINATION invites us to explore and discover more about our neighbors, our forebears, and perhaps a little more about ourselves along the way.

The Springfield History Museum commissioned photographer Ofelia Guzman and community organizer Johanis Tadeo to collaborate on the development of a collection of photographs and oral histories of contemporary Springfield residents. This collection will be showcased together with stories of immigrants from the existing Museum collection, illuminating a common shared experience of residents past and present.

The exhibit will be installed in the east-facing windows of the Museum gallery, where viewers have unlimited access. The exhibit includes three special outdoor events on 2nd Friday Art Walks in December, January, and February that will feature projections on the exterior of the west-facing brick wall of the Museum building. Light refreshments will be offered, and guests will have access to the indoor exhibits and bathroom during each special event.

This project is made possible by the support of the Springfield Utility Board (SUB), the City of Springfield City Manager’s Office, the City of Springfield Committee for Diversity & Inclusion, and Springfield Arts Commission.

Current regular Museum hours are every Saturday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., and as always, admission is free!

For more information, visit or find us on Facebook and Instagram, or call 541.726.3677.

What: ILLUMINATION exhibit at Springfield History Museum
When:  December 10, 2021 – February 12, 2022; including special events on 2nd Friday Art Walks
Where:  Springfield History Museum, 590 Main Street, Springfield, OR
Additional Information: Mindy Linder, 541.726.3677 or  
