Free Face Masks for Springfield Small Businesses


The City of Springfield and the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce will be hosting free face mask pick-up days over the coming weeks for Springfield small businesses community. Any small business (50 employees or less) currently operating in Springfield will be eligible for a one-time pick-up from either Springfield City Hall or the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce offices. These masks have been provided by Business Oregon and are meant for either business employees or patrons, at the discretion of the business, and are not medical grade.

Pick-up days will be weekly, beginning August 11 from 2pm-4pm and will continue each Tuesday through October or while supplies are available. Businesses may pick masks up at Springfield City Hall (225 Fifth Street) or the Springfield Chamber of Commerce (101 South A Street) and should expect the available quantity of 50 masks per business. Businesses will be asked to provide a business name, their business’s physical address, and minimal contact information for verification of being located in Springfield.

Wearing masks is a critical tool in curbing the transmission of COVID19. By wearing masks, individuals are communicating care for the health of those around them. We know at times patrons and employees may forget to wear their masks when in public settings. We hope that this limited supply of extra resources might assist our small business communities’ ability to offer a mask to patrons or employees when needed.

Per State mandate, masks will be required for entry into both Springfield City Hall and the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce buildings.
