LTD’s Point2Point Challenges Commuters to Get There


  Media Contact: Pat Walsh
     Phone: 541-513-1236
Program Contact: Tracy Ellis
Phone: 541-682-6183

Eugene, OR (Sept. 30, 2019) – Lane Transit District and the Oregon Department of Transportation are asking local residents to join the Get There movement, a statewide challenge to help Lane County communities to out commute other Oregon cities and towns during the seventh annual Get There Challenge Oct. 7 thru 21.

The Get There Challenge, formerly known as the Drive Less Challenge, raises awareness about various transportation options and helps to encourage area residents to park their personal vehicles and then commute to work, school, entertainment, appointments, and shopping by bus, bike, walking, or carpooling.

“The Get There Challenge gives us all permission to try new transportation options to get around town while supporting efforts to reduce our area’s carbon footprint as well as build community and get more exercise,” said Tracy Ellis with LTD’s Point2Point. “Our goal is to encourage life-long transit users, carpoolers, walkers, and cyclists.”

Last year, Oregonians logged more than 876,880 non-drive-alone miles. In Lane County alone, participants logged 188,766 miles representing a savings of 134,090 of CO2 and 4,280 gallons of gasoline.

“We expect to exceed last year’s total savings of CO2 and gallons of gas,” Ellis said. “It is easy to participate in the Get There Challenge.”

A variety of commuter travel options in the Lane Transit District can be found at In addition, LTD’s Point2Point team is available to help people find carpools and/or vanpools, navigate bus schedules and routes, determine bike routes, and answer challenge related questions by calling 541-682-6213 or emailing them at

To participate in the Get There Challenge, people can register at and then log their non-drive-alone trips for a chance to win prizes.

The Get There Challenge is sponsored statewide by Providence Health and Services and Bike Friday. Locally, the challenge is sponsored by Unique Eugene, University of Oregon (parking and transportation), Dutch Bros, and Valley VanPool. Through their generous sponsorship support, Get There Challenge participants are eligible for prizes such as a Bike Friday gift card and Visa cash cards, plus gift cards to popular local businesses and eateries. The more trips a participant logs, the greater their chances to win prizes – and reap other rewards, too.

To kick off the Get There Challenge, LTD’s Point2point will host a celebration at Oakshire Public House in Eugene on Thursday, Oct. 3, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. This event is open to the public and will offer free bike tune ups by Ding Ding Cycles, free bike valet parking by Cascade Courier Collective, free Pacific Pub Cycle tours, food and beverage discounts, music, and prizes.

About Lane Transit District (LTD)
LTD provides more than 10 million boardings per year on its buses and EmX Bus Rapid Transit line in Lane County, Oregon. Encompassing the Eugene-Springfield metro area, LTD is a special district of the State of Oregon and led by a seven-member board of directors appointed by Oregon’s governor. LTD also operates RideSource, a paratransit service for people with disabilities, and numerous transportation options programs to promote sustainable travel county wide. Visit their website HERE.
