Q&A With Dr. Anthony Cutting, Active Chiropractic

Q: Can chiropractic help me with things besides back and neck pain?
Answer: While chiropractors are known for their expertise in helping patients with back and neck pain, they can also help people experiencing many problems related to dysfunction of the nervous system such as headaches/migraines, sports injuries, degenerative disc disease, sciatica, carpal tunnel, plantar fasciitis, arthritis and joint pain, scoliosis, fibromyalgia, whiplash, pregnancy discomfort and poor organ function.
For instance, it’s not uncommon for a patient with a herniated disc in the mid-back or low back to be diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome.
Many of our patients with office jobs who spend a lot of time sitting at computers report headaches, breathing issues and digestive disorders. After undergoing chiropractic care, many of these patients experience significant relief or resolution.
Chiropractic is great for kids too! We often treat and alleviate children who suffer from colic, ear infections, constipation, allergies, anxiety, or poor immune function.

What makes my approach unique is the use of a technique that determines which of six important brain centers are not in harmony with the systems they control. This “Zone Technique” operates on the belief that the body is an electrical device. As such, each zone is regulated by a specific center of the brain. When a brain center is not sending the proper signals to its system, all body systems associated with that system suffer.
In order to correct this, I stimulate specific points in the spinal cord and reboot the body back into a healing state, so you can get back to feeling great!
Dr. Anthony Cutting, Chiropractor – Active Chiropractic