Advocacy in Action: Springfield Chamber Opposes Harmful Insurance Bill (SB 174)

The Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce has formally opposed Senate Bill 174, which would significantly expand the scope of litigation over insurance claims, driving up costs and reducing coverage for Oregonians.
If passed, SB 174 would significantly increase compliance costs and operational restrictions, particularly for small and mid-sized businesses that are already navigating economic uncertainty. It is the Chamber’s position that these changes would stifle growth and limit job creation.
“The impacts of SB 174 will be felt across multiple industries, particularly those critical to Oregon’s strategic economic priorities – housing, energy, childcare, and healthcare.”
Vonnie Mikkelsen, President & CEO, Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce
The Chamber’s letter of opposition urges lawmakers to consider the real-world impact on employers who are the backbone of the economy. While the bill may have been introduced with good intentions, its unintended consequences could place excessive strain on businesses, forcing some to cut jobs or halt expansion plans. Oregon businesses and consumers alike need access to affordable and reliable insurance – SB 174 would have the opposite effect, driving up costs and reducing access to coverage.
Your voice matters!
There will be a hearing on SB 174 on Wednesday at 3:00pm. Once the hearing begins, the public has 48 hours to submit testimony on this bill – that is, 3:00pm on Friday, March 7.
The Springfield Chamber remains committed to advocating for policies that strengthen our local economy and ensure businesses have the resources they need to succeed. You can read the full letter of opposition below.
March 4, 2025
RE: Opposition to SB 174
Dear Chair Prozanski and Members of the Committee,
On behalf of the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce, I am writing to express our strong opposition to Senate Bill 174. Our Chamber represents a diverse network of businesses that are the backbone of Springfield’s economy, providing stable, family wage jobs supporting thousands in our community.
Oregon businesses and consumers alike need access to affordable, reliable insurance. SB 174 would have the opposite effect, driving up costs and reducing access to coverage. The bill significantly expands the scope of litigation over insurance claims, shifting disputes from an administrative process to the courts. This will lead to prolonged delays in claim resolutions, higher legal costs, and increased premiums, as seen in states like California and Washington that have enacted similar policies.
Businesses across Oregon are already contending with rising operational costs, supply chain disruptions, and workforce challenges. The last thing they need is additional financial strain from skyrocketing insurance costs. The impacts of SB 174 will be felt across multiple industries, particularly those critical to Oregon’s strategic economic priorities – housing, energy, childcare, and healthcare. These sectors rely on accessible insurance to remain viable, and adding new legal and financial burdens will only hinder progress in these essential areas.
Moreover, this proposal is not new. The Oregon Legislature has consistently rejected similar policy changes over the past decade, recognizing the harm they pose to businesses and consumers. In today’s economic climate, these concerns are even more pressing. Instead of making it more expensive and difficult to do business in Oregon, the Legislature should focus on policies that encourage economic growth, job creation, and a competitive insurance market.
For these reasons, we urge you to vote no on SB 174 and protect Oregon businesses from unnecessary cost increases and regulatory burdens. Thank you for your consideration.

Vonnie Mikkelsen
President and CEO
Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce
More About the Springfield Chamber’s Business Advocacy Efforts
As a trusted convener and provider of business resources, the Springfield Chamber is committed to fostering policies and incentives that contribute to our competitive position in private sector job creation, retention, and economic growth. The Chamber recognizes the systemic interdependencies of a healthy economy and provides an ear and a voice for local business at the confluence of government, commerce, and community. Through a robust platform of member advocacy services, the Chamber advocates for business by increasing visibility, dialogue, and representation at local, state, and federal policy circles around issues of impact and interest to their members.