Springfield Launches Path Etiquette Campaign

To ensure that all shared use path users treat each other in a courteous and safe manner on paths, the City of Springfield is launching a path etiquette campaign. The campaign aims to promote courtesy and safety among all path users and includes community outreach, education, media, and temporary signage.
The shared use paths throughout Springfield are popular and well loved. From the Middle Fork Path, to the Millrace Path, to the Riverbank Path, there are options for everyone! However, there has been an increase in the number of people, and the range of bikes and wheeled devices, on paths in the last few years.
The key messages of the path etiquette campaign are:
- Paths are for everyone — all non-motorized modes
- Travel a safe speed — 20 MPH maximum speed on paths, slower as needed
- Stay in your lane — stay right, pass left, don’t take more than your half
- Give warning when passing — call “passing on your left” or ring bell
- Dogs on a short leash
Between 4:30 – 6:30 pm on Wednesday, September 7, head over to the Riverbank Path (near D Street entrance) for path etiquette trivia and prizes, free bike repairs, and free maps and resources. Stop by to ask questions, have your bike repaired, or grab free safety lights!
Additional Information: Transportation Options Specialist Kelsey Moore, 541.255.6337 or kcmoore@lcog.org