Andrew Shearer Appointed Springfield Police Chief

After serving the Springfield community for nearly a year as Interim Chief, Springfield City Manager Nancy Newton has appointed Andrew Shearer to serve as Springfield’s next Police Chief. He will be officially sworn in at 10:30 a.m. Monday, March 28.
Members of the media may contact Amber Fossen at 541.520.4050 to arrange interviews with SPD Chief Shearer between 11 am and 3 pm, TODAY, March 15.
Shearer brings more than 29 years of law enforcement experience to Springfield, most recently as Assistant Chief of Police with the City of Portland.
When selected to serve as interim, Chief Shearer issued his commitment to working alongside community members, public safety stakeholders and SPD to enhance community trust, improve transparency, and to foster a policing culture based on dignity, fairness, respect, and accountability.
“Ten months ago, I was provided an opportunity to serve the members of SPD and this community. Since then, I’ve witnessed the courage of the men and women of this agency firsthand,” Springfield Police Chief Andrew Shearer said. “We should all appreciate their selflessness in the face of danger in order to protect the people of Springfield as well as their courageousness in self-reflection to seek continual improvement. A safe city requires trust and partnership between police and community in addition to a combined commitment to public safety for all. That commitment is strong here in Springfield. I am confident that existing partnerships will strengthen, new ones will grow, and we can achieve even greater successes in this city as we move forward.”
Newton said Chief Shearer not only brought the experience and fresh perspective the City was hoping for in a new Chief, his leadership led the department to make considerable strides to improve the work of law enforcement such as increasing access to information, updating policies and procedures, improving opportunities for the community to engage with the department, providing more officer training, and working to strengthen relationships with underserved communities.
“Chief Shearer’s approach to the responsibilities of Police Chief have been exemplary,” Newton said. “We are very fortunate to have someone with his extensive experience, thoughtful guidance, and compassion serving our community. He embodies the balance we need to ensure we conduct our work based on best practices and accountability, provide proper training and support for SPD; and serve all community members with respect, fairness, and dignity. His steady guidance and exceptional leadership came at the right time, and I am very pleased he is continuing with us in service to the Springfield community.”
Some of SPD’s accomplishments since May 2021 include:
- Increased transparency via city web page and social media. (2021 Facebook reach increased 141 percent and Instagram reach increased 363 percent over 2020)
- Hired a Community Outreach Coordinator and Public Information Coordinator.
- Went live with Body Worn Camera and In Car Video program.
- Implemented software to enhance accountability and continuous improvement related to use of force, vehicle pursuits, and complaint management.
- Enhanced employee performance measurement and a more consistent evaluation process.
- Springfield Municipal Jail successfully passed a comprehensive in-depth inspection conducted by inspectors from the Oregon State Sheriffs Association.
- Established a peer support program to provide support, access to services, debrief traumatic incidents, conduct critical incident debriefs, and create awareness and strategies to ensure emotional survival of our first responders.
- SPD established a strategic partnership with LCSO tactical and negotiation teams for joint training and joint response to future operations when required.
- Improved critical incident operational planning and operational protocols.
- Implemented changes to policy and training in alignment with recommendations from independent assessment commissioned by the City as a result from the shooting death of Stacy Kenny.
- All members completed FEMA Nation Incident Management System (NIMS) training courses to better prepare SPD to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from major incidents.
- Implemented a one-year pilot program for UAS (drone) to enhance community and officer safety and to supplement de-escalation efforts. Established a strategic partnership with EPD to develop a metro area drone team.
- All sworn members received scenario-based training related to decision making, control tactics, and de-escalation.
- Lead instructors attended train the trainer courses in control techniques and de-escalation tactics. They also attended Tactical Emergency Casualty Care courses to provide future training to all members. Improves SPD lifesaving efforts as first responders to calls involving serious injuries.
- Command staff partnered with bargaining unit to identify a solution to reduce forced mandatory overtime and to reduce the number of consecutive hours an officer can be at work. Goal was to improve employee wellness, officer safety, and to mitigate risk.
- Commissioned and executed a community wide survey with residents of Springfield. (Final report to be released in the coming weeks.)
Community Opportunities
Community members are invited to share their thoughts with their new Police Chief by visiting and answering: “What do you think is important for Chief Shearer to know about serving your Ward/Springfield? Other thoughts you want to share with Springfield’s Police Chief?” Community members are welcome to participate anonymously. Please submit your thoughts and feedback for the Chief by March 29, 2022. Additionally, community members are invited to meet with Chief Shearer directly this Spring and Summer through upcoming “Coffee with the Chief” opportunities. These opportunities will be shared via the City’s website, social media site, and through media once scheduled.
Shearer Biography

Chief Andrew Shearer began his public safety career in 1992 with the Portland Police Bureau. During his tenure he worked a variety of patrol, investigative, and administrative assignments and rose through the ranks of Officer, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, Commander, and Assistant Chief of Police, prior to his retirement in 2020.
During his early career, Shearer served as a community policing officer, neighborhood liaison officer, field training officer, instructor, investigator, and tactical team member. As a Sergeant, he led uniform patrol officers at two precincts and was later assigned to the Tactical Operations Division as team leader for the tactical unit, directing the response to high-risk incidents across the city.
As a Lieutenant, he was assigned to the Office of the Chief of Police, serving as Executive Officer for both the Operations Branch Assistant Chief and the Community Services Branch Assistant Chief and later as the Adjutant/Chief of Staff for the Chief of Police.
As Commander of the Tactical Operations Division, he worked in close collaboration with the Mayor’s Office of Violence Prevention, the U.S. Attorney’s Office and other state, local, and federal partners in the effort to reduce gun violence and the long-lasting trauma it leaves behind. He improved interagency collaboration, utilization of cutting-edge technologies, and enhancement of data analysis capabilities to drive strategy. He also served as lead critical incident commander for the city.
As Assistant Chief of Police, he led the Investigations Branch, overseeing the operations of the Detective Division, Family Services Division, Narcotics and Organized Crime, Property Evidence Division, Tactical Operations Division, Forensic Evidence Division, and Transit Division.
Shearer is a graduate of the FBI National Academy, the Police Executive Research Forum’s Senior Management Institute for Police, and the Oregon Association of Chiefs of Police Law Enforcement Executive Leadership Institute. He earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Administration of Justice from Portland State University and holds a Master of Science Degree in Strategic Leadership from the University of Charleston. He has received numerous commendations and awards during his service to include Distinguished Service Medals, Unit Commendation Medals (two with Valor), and the Achievement Medal.
From 2018-2022 he served on the board of directors of the Portland Police Sunshine Division, an emergency food and clothing service provider, and volunteers with “Team Rubicon,” a veteran-based disaster relief agency. He has enjoyed raising awareness for and supporting the athletes of Special Olympics Oregon for many years.
Shearer promotes a leadership style that is collaborative, inclusive, authentic, and focused on partnership with community and public safety stakeholders.