New Policy Agenda Expands Springfield Chamber’s Business Advocacy Work

The Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce is stepping up its advocacy efforts. Economic competitiveness and the business climate in the region remains a high priority, as the Chamber works to ensure the voice of the Springfield area’s business community is heard. The Chamber is actively weighing in on local policy and economic development priorities, engaging on federal issues, and ramping up efforts to advance our statewide policy agenda during the 2025 legislative session.
The new Policy Agenda, along with Guiding Principles and updated services for members, can all be found on the Springfield Chamber’s reimagined Business Advocacy page. In addition, the Chamber will continue to update members with more robust weekly Legislative Updates and increased Advocacy in Action alerts right here in The Bottom Line, and link to these in its weekly Member Connect newsletter and on social media platforms.
“We’re doubling down on advocacy to secure a competitive business climate that supports stable wage growth, economic resilience, and a stronger voice for local businesses in decisions that shape our economy.”
– Vonnie Mikkelsen, President & CEO, Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce
The Chamber’s expanded focus includes a Board-approved Policy Agenda, developed to provide a framework for their advocacy efforts in the upcoming legislative session. This agenda reflects the Chamber’s ongoing commitment to fostering a pro-business environment, supporting economic competitiveness, and engaging strategically on policy issues that impact members:
The Chamber’s Guiding Principles provide a compass needle for their advocacy efforts, enabling efficiency in decision-making on representation, and giving staff more opportunity to inform and act on time-sensitive issues. They advocate for business-friendly policy in support of private enterprise, entrepreneurial endeavors, and an economically competitive business climate, and have organized these principles as follows:
The Chamber is making participation easier and more accessible – as a Chamber member, your level of involvement is up to you:
Stay Informed:
– Use The Bottom Line Advocacy section to read up on all the latest legislation we are watching;
– Bookmark the Business Advocacy webpage in your browser to keep up with frequent updates;
– Get the highlights in the weekly Member Connect newsletter and on our social media platforms;
– The Chamber makes it easier than ever to submit testimony, sign letters, and join coalitions;
– E-mail Paige Walters to sign up for the Chamber’s Advocacy bulletin;
– Participate in their topical, monthly Roundtable discussions
With an even stronger advocacy focus, the Springfield Chamber is galvanizing their commitment to business and community by helping businesses shape the policies that affect them.
More About the Springfield Chamber’s Business Advocacy Efforts
As a trusted convener and provider of business resources, the Springfield Chamber is committed to fostering policies and incentives that contribute to our competitive position in private sector job creation, retention, and economic growth. The Chamber recognizes the systemic interdependencies of a healthy economy and provides an ear and a voice for local business at the confluence of government, commerce, and community. Through a robust platform of member advocacy services, the Chamber advocates for business by increasing visibility, dialogue, and representation at local, state, and federal policy circles around issues of impact and interest to their members.