Springfield City Club Hosts Candidate Forums for May Election

Programs Begin Thursday, April 4
The Springfield City Club is hosting a series of moderated candidate forums and ballot measure discussions for the May 2024 primary election.
The forums will take place at noon at the Roaring Rapids Pizza Parlor at 4006 Franklin Boulevard in Glenwood and be live-streamed on Zoom for virtual attendees. The programs will also be posted to YouTube after the events. All Springfield City Club events are free for the public to attend.
The schedule is as follows:
Thursday, April 4
Democratic Candidates for Secretary of State
Invited: James Crary, Sen. James Manning, State Treasurer Tobias Read, Dave W. Stauffer, Paul Damian Wells
Friday, April 12
Republican Candidates for U.S. House OR District 4 (joint with City Club of Eugene)
Invited: Amy L Ryan Courser, Monique DeSpain
Thursday, April 18
Springfield General Obligation Bond for Street Repair (Measure 20-351)
City of Springfield officials to discuss the bond measure to repair a list of selected streets
Thursday, May 2
Democratic Candidates for State House District 7
Invited: Rep. John Lively, Ryan Rhoads
Thursday, May 16
Republican Candidates for State House District 12
Invited: Rep. Charlie Conrad, Darin Harbick
Media members and the public are encouraged to attend in person or virtually. Livestream links are available via City Club emails. You can find the most updated candidate confirmations, program details, and bios or statements by visiting springfieldcityclub.org.
About Springfield City Club
The Springfield City Club is a non-partisan civic organization dedicated to informing the public on issues of state, national and local importance through open discussions. The organization’s mission is to promote leadership and vision for Springfield by bringing together the community for open dialogue and civic engagement, the Springfield City Club provides its members with thought provoking programs and discussions of community issues. Find more information at springfieldcityclub.org.