New Museum Exhibit Explores Motorcycle History in Springfield

Rev your engines! Motorcycles in Springfield, 1900-1939 is a new, temporary exhibit on display at the Springfield History Museum, open now through December 30, 2023. Curator Maddi McGraw says that this exhibit is “an exciting opportunity to explore a period of motorcycle history that is less well-known, through a local lens.”
The exhibit draws from the Museum’s collection of photographs and archives, showcasing many items that haven’t been exhibited previously, as well as items on loan from local collectors – including historic motorcycles – to tell the history of motorcycle culture in Springfield during the first part of the twentieth century. From the first motorcycles to arrive in Lane County until the 1930s, this exhibit will explore the ways that motorcycles impacted entertainment and daily life here in Springfield, from hill climbs to hopyards and beyond.

The exhibit is in the Kathleen Jensen Gallery of the Museum. As always, admission is free!
For more information, visit the museum’s Facebook page or call 541-726-2300.
What: Motorcycles in Springfield, 1900-1939 exhibit at Springfield History Museum
When: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Thursday through Saturday, through December 30, 2023
Where: Springfield History Museum at 590 Main Street in Springfield, Oregon
Additional Information: Maddi McGraw, 541-726-3677 or