A Vision for the Future: People, Place, and Purpose

A message from Avril Watt, Chair, Board of Directors, Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce.
Delivered at the Chamber’s 73rd Annual Awards and Installation on February 9th, 2023,
at the Richard E. Wildish Theater in downtown Springfield.
Our purpose is to be an influencer and barrier breaker that supports community and affects outcomes. We do this by:
- Creating place enhancements that attract and empower PEOPLE who share a common PURPOSE in pursuit of excellence.
- Delivering programs and services that drive the best possible experience of doing business so that our community thrives.
- Supporting your efforts to create jobs (and fill them).
- Strengthening our competitive position through advocacy so that you and your unique value proposition stand on certain ground.
- Improving the PLACE where businesses choose to be, and families come to thrive.
- Centering on PEOPLE, providing: a sense of belonging; appreciation for the qualities and attributes of diversity; and empowering our talent pipeline as they pursue rewarding careers with you.
Our ability to do so depends on our organizational health, foresight, and stewardship. I am pleased to report that the Chamber’s financial standing is strong. This ensures sustainable operations and reinvestment opportunities, and allows us to recruit and retain the best talent – knowledgeable, competent people that you deserve and can rely on.
And we have added a critical mechanism to fuel our mission goals – a 501c3 Foundation. With the Chamber Foundation we are better positioned to put private investment to work, be that workforce and education, place improvements, or public-private partnerships in need of entrepreneurial solutions.

We have much to celebrate, yet much to accomplish. We can achieve great things when we work with PURPOSE:
With PURPOSE we conceive, design, advocate for, and realize PLACEs where business can grow; safe and attractive neighborhoods for families to live; art and cultural venues and public spaces where we gather to play, connect, create, and innovate. PLACE is all about where we do business and the experience that we want to provide for our members. I believe that with thoughtful and bold stewardship we can enhance what currently exists and provide a center of excellence in and for our community.
With PURPOSE we empower PEOPLE in their pursuit of fulfilling and rewarding careers, productive civic lives, mentoring, education and lifelong learning.
“PEOPLE: when you really think about it, that’s why Chambers exist. To cultivate talent, empower businesses and individuals to be the best they can be, and connect with one another so that relationships are established and lives are enriched.”
– Avril Watt, Chair, Board of Directors, Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce
With PURPOSE we pursue excellence in character, personal attributes, physical assets realized, an authenticity reflected in our brand position and experiences that attract the best in business, ideas, and talent. We lead and inspire leaders to do the same – not with defeatism, apathy, or a lesser mindset, but with curiosity, optimism, and a can-do mindset.
PEOPLE, PLACE, PURPOSE. These are what we place front and center in our pursuit of excellence, our mission, and our vision for the future. It is my heart’s desire that the Chamber is front and center, supporting businesses and individuals.
So we drive forward, with PURPOSE. But as two great philosophers, Calvin and Hobbes, stated, “We’re so busy watching for what’s just ahead of us that we don’t take time to enjoy where we are.” Life can change in a second so look around, take time to enjoy “the now” – celebrate the achievements. “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending” – the wisdom of C.S. Lewis. May we all press forward and persevere, because it’s always too early to quit.
Thank you for your participation, your support, and your commitment to the community that is the Springfield Chamber.