Springfield City Councilor Leonard Stoehr Moving from Springfield; Steps Down from Council Seat


At the Monday, January 23 City Council Work Session, Ward 4 Councilor Leonard Stoehr announced his resignation on the Springfield City Council citing a job transfer to Atlanta, Georgia. Councilors are required by City Charter to live in the ward they represent.

“Serving as a Springfield City Councilor has been a tremendous honor and I am going to miss being part of this team and this community,” Councilor Leonard Stoehr said. “It is a volunteer role like none other. It’s a tangible and direct way to support, improve, and champion an entire community. It’s a role I’ve held with gratitude. I want to thank you and the Springfield community for allowing me to serve. I may be moving from the area, but I will always be a fan of Springfield.”

Springfield Mayor Sean VanGordon noted Councilor Stoehr’s contributions to the Council and community.

“Councilor Stoehr has served with distinction, and we will miss his insight, dedication, and experience on Council,” Mayor VanGordon said. “However, a vacancy on Council opens an opportunity. It’s a chance for a new member of the Springfield community to invest in Springfield’s future. I would encourage anyone in Ward 4 with a heart for Springfield to consider applying to serve on Council once the recruitment begins.”

The Springfield City Council will discuss the Council vacancy and recruitment process at a future public meeting. Additional information will be provided once available.

About Springfield’s Mayor & Council
The Mayor and City Council make up the legislative branch of Springfield’s City government and serve without pay as volunteers for four-year terms. They set City policy and make decisions regarding ordinances and resolutions, authorizing contracts, setting City goals, and adopting the City’s annual budget. The Mayor and City Council also appoint the City Manager, City Attorney, Municipal Court Judges, and many residents to serve on advisory committees. The Mayor and City Council guide the City staff to provide the highest quality, lowest cost service to the residents of Springfield.
