LunchVox LIVE: Legislative Outlook

On Friday, March 26th, 2021, The Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce hosted a successful LunchVox LIVE: Legislative Outlook. This event was facilitated by Jon Kloor of NW Natural, who kicked off the program by introducing to the audience to JL Wilson, Principal at Public Affairs Counsel and Oregon State Chamber of Commerce (OSCC) legislative council. JL provided an update on OSCC legislative priorities, expanding upon the top three ticket items of note: the effects of the remote process on legislation, the state budget, and cashflow issues.
Following JL’s OSCC update, Jon introduced our distinguished panel featuring Oregon State Senator Lee Beyer, Oregon State Representative John Lively, and Sean VanGordon Springfield Mayor, who answered facilitated and audience questions concerning state and local policy impacts and community and economic development priorities. Questions covered topics ranging from legislation aligned with Governor Brown’s 10-point plan for Oregon’s economic recovery, Springfield’s priorities this session that encourage business growth in the region, policies under local control vs state control, shortfalls of virtual setting, legislation affecting graduation rates in our school district, and more.
In case you missed this event, you can watch the recording online here:
Thank you to our panelists, to JL Wilson, to Jon Kloor for facilitating, and to everybody who attended! A reminder that if you want to stay up-to-date with all things advocacy, we recently launched an advocacy e-newsletter that members can sign up for to receive weekly updates that highlight key advocacy issues, delivered straight to your inbox every Wednesday through this legislative session. To be added to the email list, email Max at
A special thank you to our 2021 LunchVox sponsor: