Dedication, Care, and Resilience: Recognizing Heroes on the Frontline


For over 70 years the Springfield Chamber has recognized excellence in business and community through the annual Awards and Installation event. Determining the award recipients for this past year, a year wrought with uncertainty, risk to life, and risk to livelihoods was a particularly humbling experience. Despite the challenges presented over this past year, business and community leaders stepped up – for their employees and for our citizens. The independent award selection committee determined it was imperative we recognize and honor those working behind the scenes who care for our community and keep it safely moving forward.

New this year, the 2020 Award of Distinction was presented to the frontline workers of McKenzie-Willamette Medical Center and PeaceHealth, for their outstanding commitment to the community throughout this pandemic. 

Chamber Board Chair, Charlie Kimball, reflects that “2020 was a year of extremes.  Extreme actions, and extreme acts of kindness. Those actions and acts have been born and carried out by everyday people, thrown into impossible situations.  These amazing folks have helped those of us that have had employees, friends, or family who were impacted by COVID.”

“These amazing folks have helped those of us that have had employees, friends, or family who were impacted by COVID.”

On behalf of Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce staff and Board of Directors, we thank those medical professionals, frontline workers, first responders, and essential workers who have kept our community moving forward. 
