Coming Up at Your Springfield Public Library


Get a free copy of ‘This is My America’ by Kim Johnson

This year the Springfield Public Library has joined forces with the University of Oregon Common Reading project as part of Springfield Celebrates Authors. Thanks to the Friends of the Springfield Public Library, library patrons can get a free copy of Kim Johnson’s ‘This is My America’, take part in a preliminary book club and join the author keynote discussion.

The first 24 registrants for the 11 a.m., Thursday, January 28 book club will receive a free copy of the book, with priority given to Springfield Public Library patrons. Once you have read the novel you have two online opportunities to celebrate this book written by a local author:

  • 11 am., Thursday, January 28, join a preliminary book club discussion (author not attending) – ZOOM link below;
  • 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, February 9, join the UO Common Reading/2020 – 2021 African American Workshop and Lecture Series: Kimberly Johnson – How Far Do You Have To Go For Justice? Acting beyond the vote. Register here: UO Calendar

If you have not read the book/do not receive a free copy you are more than welcome to attend one or both of the online events.

Springfield Celebrates Authors is an annual event presenting local, national and international authors to the Springfield and Lane County communities. For more information or for help accessing ZOOM please phone 541.726.3766, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday.

All events are free and open to the community.

  • What: Springfield Celebrates Authors- UO Common Reading: ‘This is my America’ Book Club
  • When:  11 a.m., Thursday, January 28
  • When:  5:30 p.m., Tuesday, February 9
  • Where: Register for the book club and to receive a free copy
  • Additional Information: Mark Riddle, 541.726.2238,

Family Fun with Cuentos Bilingual Storytime

Come to Saturday Cuentos at 10 a.m., Wednesday, February 3. Families with preschoolers and early elementary-aged students, join us online for a bilingual family storytime. We will read Spanish and English language books, play bilingual games and sing songs in both languages. 

Acompáñenos para Cuentos bilingües para familias a las 10 a.m., el miércoles, el tres de febrero. Vamos a leer libros en español e inglés, hacer actividades bilingües, y cantar canciones bilingües. Este evento virtual es perfecto para familias con niños preescolares igual a niños que asisten la escuela primaria.  

Families of all ages are welcome! ¡Se invita a las familias con niños de todas las edades!
