Cold Weather Motel Shelter Program


Some cold nights are coming this week! Enroll now to make sure you are notified when we activate.

catholic community services

When temperatures drop below 30 degrees, the Egan Warming Centers and CCS Cold Weather Shelter program activate in Eugene and Springfield. The CCS Cold Weather shelter provides motel vouchers to homeless families with children.  The Eagan Warming Center can only house adults due to safety issues and has to turn these families away.

The CCS Cold Weather Motel Shelter Program is for unhoused families with children under 18 years of age in their care.

Families can sign up for our program:

  • By calling: 541-232-9653
    • Monday – Friday 8am-2pm
  • Or in Person at the following locations: 
    • Eugene Community Service Center 1464 W 6th Ave Eugene
    • Springfield Community Service Center 1025 G Street Springfield
    • Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8am-12pm

Required: Proof that the children are in the family’s  care (this can be a letter from DHS, the child’s school or by scheduling a time to bring the kids by the office). 

This is only for homeless families with minor children in their care.

Once a family is enrolled, CCS will send instructions on how to contact us in the event of an Egan activation. Sign up ASAP!  CCS is closed for Thanksgiving 11/26 & 11/27.
