Portion of Eugene Shared Use Path around Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Closed Fall 2020


A portion of the shared use path around the Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission (MWMC) Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant at 410 River Avenue, along the southwest corner and west side of the facility, is scheduled to be closed starting Monday, October 5, 2020 for up to several weeks.

Bicyclists, pedestrians, and other users of the path should plan to use alternate routes during the closure. A detour will be available along River Avenue and around the east side of the treatment plant. The closure will not affect the portion of the path connecting to the Ruth Bascom Riverbank Path System on either side of the river. The Owosso Bridge will remain open.

During this time period, NW Natural (NWN), in partnership with the MWMC and its contractors, will be constructing a renewable natural gas line that will connect biogas purification facilities and NWN’s new receipt point facility on the treatment plant grounds to an existing NWN natural gas transmission line on River Road. This exciting project will inject Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) produced from biogas, a byproduct of the wastewater treatment process, into NWN’s pipeline system to be used as a renewable vehicle fuel. The shared use path closure will allow the work to be performed in the most safe and efficient manner.

Producing RNG is a win for the community and the environment. The project will reduce flaring of biogas (unused energy) and associated greenhouse gas emissions, as well as provide a new cost-effective revenue source that will benefit ratepayers in the Eugene-Springfield metropolitan area. It is anticipated the RNG will start being produced in 2021. After construction is complete and RNG is being produced, the impact to neighbors and visitors will be minimal. For more information about the project, visit mwmcpartners.org/capital-improvements/rng.  

What: Closure of the shared use path along the southwest corner and west side of the Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant

Who: Commuters, visitors, and other users of the shared use path around the Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant connecting to the Ruth Bascom Riverbank Path System at mile marker two

When: The shared use path is scheduled to be closed starting Monday, October 5, 2020 for up to several weeks.

Where: Southwest corner and west side of the shared use path around the Wastewater Treatment Plant in north Eugene 

Additional information: Mark Van Eeckhout, Civil Engineer, at 541.682.8683 or mvaneeckhout@springfield-or.gov

Background: The mission of the Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission is to protect the community’s health and the environment by providing high-quality wastewater services to the Eugene-Springfield metropolitan area in partnership with Eugene, Springfield, and Lane County. Local representatives from each of the regional partners–Lane County, City of Springfield, and City of Eugene–serve on the Commission.

Each partner has both an elected official and a citizen representative (Eugene has an additional citizen representative to reflect a proportional number of customers), for a total of seven representatives. Commissioners provide oversight and guidance to City of Eugene staff who manage operations for the MWMC, and City of Springfield staff who manage administration of the partnership. Learn more at mwmcpartners.org.
