Business Boot Camp LIVE 2020 – A Virtual Success

In its third year, the Springfield Chamber’s Business Boot Camp program adapted to a digital format and tapped into a theme of resiliency seen throughout our local business community, bringing fresh and critical information to participants. Originally an idea from Chamber Board Member and Membership Committee Chair, Nick Nelson of Keller Williams, Business Boot Camp was developed as an opportunity to educate current and prospective business professionals on different fundamentals of business – how to start, maintain, and improve one. Boot Camp 2020 evolved in line with those goals, and the Chamber brought in new experts to discuss three topics connected to business response and resiliency. Three, 90-minute sessions reached members online: How to Reopen: tips for relaunching your business in a changing world, Best Practices for a remote and secure workforce, and Mental Health and Wellness a discussion for businesses.

Session one tapped into the expertise of Robert Killen, Director of the Lane Small Business Development Center, covering strategy and tools that businesses can put to use as Oregon continues through it’s phased re-opening after COVID-19 response measures. The program first examined the current business landscape – looking at evolutions already being seen, continued transformations, and tools for change. Staffing, remote work, productivity and security, and new consumer trends were key pieces in the new puzzle for re-emerging businesses. Informed by these changes, Robert Killen pointed to a few key tools to meet the challenge – guidance from the State and organizations, SWOT analysis, and stress testing.

In session two, Robert Steck, CEO of Partnered Solutions IT, shared best practices for a remote and secure workforce. This timely presentation ran through vital information for businesses that have flexed employees to remote workstations, and also thoughtfully laid out what to consider when thinking about making those designations permanent. Information on internet and technological requirements, phone and VPN strategies, and file storage and sharing were presented alongside engaging breakouts for participants to share their experience.

The 2020 Business Boot Camp wrapped with a webinar from Roger Brubaker of Lane County Public Health focusing on mental health and wellness resources for businesses. The session opened with a honest discussion on trauma and behavioral health, and how individuals can recognize and help those around them. Our presenter also discussed public and private organizations that businesses can use as resources while thinking about mental health and wellness at their organization. With Q&A throughout the presentation, the session ended with a roadmap for businesses to improve their existing programs or start their own and a reminder to make time to care for yourself.
The Chamber is proud to have been able to adapt the Business Boot Camp in 2020, and we look forward to continuing this program in the future. If you missed it this time, make sure to keep an eye out in the Fall and this time next year. Thank you to all of our presenters for sharing their wonderful expertise, and a deep thank you to our Presenting Sponsors for this event, NW Natural and Oregon Community Credit Union! Thank you also to our Session Sponsors: Molina Law Group, Kent Witham Air Inc. and Molina Leadership and Business Development Solutions!
Read about last year’s fall session of Business Boot Camp here!