Teen Opportunities at Springfield Public Library

The temporary library closure isn’t stopping Springfield Public Library from serving local teens! The library still hosts regular virtual programming, homework help, book club, and volunteer opportunities – there’s still a lot for teens to do at Springfield Public Library. Follow the Springfield Public Library on Facebook, check out the online library calendar at https://springfield-or.libcal.com/calendar, or reach out to Teen Services Librarian Cara Kinsey for more information.
The library’s weekly hangout, Teen Tuesdays, continues weekly during May and June, with a new time of 3 p.m. Teens are invited to log into GoToMeeting and join the discussion. There’s a theme each week, chosen by regular attendees and members of the Teen Advisory Board.
Teen Book Club continues to meet on GoToMeeting regularly on the second Thursday of each month, with a new time of 3 p.m. New members always welcome. No need to worry about access to books, just come talk about books in general!
GoToMeeting details will be posted on the event listings at https://springfield-or.libcal.com/calendar.
The Teen Advisory Board continues to offer teens an opportunity to volunteer and have their voices heard in the library. Those interested in joining should start attending weekly online programs each Tuesday and contact Librarian Cara.
The library database, HelpNow offers free tutoring for students from Kindergarten through college and is available from 1-10 p.m., daily, in English and Spanish.
Digital Library Cards are available for Springfield Public School students and their families. Call the library between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday-Saturday to get set up with a digital library card or sign up at https://springfield-or.libwizard.com/f/librarycardapp
What: Virtual Teen Opportunities
When: Varies
Where: GoToMeeting
Additional Information: Cara Kinsey, 541.726.4653, ckinsey@springfield-or.gov