Looking Back with Board Chair Nancy Bigley

As 2019 comes to a close, we reflect on remarkable achievements. In so doing, we celebrate outstanding leaders like Nancy Bigley whose two-year term as Chair of the Springfield Chamber Board of Directors comes to a close. Bigley is a tried and tested, savvy businesswoman who brought enthusiasm, grace, and power to the board at a critical time of transformative change, opportunity, and impact. We asked Nancy to share her takeaways, her lasting impressions, and her advice to Chamber leaders of today and tomorrow.
Looking back at the past two years – what is something/a few things that the chamber has done that you are most proud of?
The past two years, the board listened to its stakeholders and formed our goals focused on strengthening the business community. The strongest initiatives the chamber has taken on are advancing #WorkReady and growing our political advocacy.
Along with these programs, the Business Boot Camp and LunchVox series have shown great interest. Lunchvox has had great attendance and impact, and I think that high attendance shows that we are serving the interest of our members. “The Future is Now: Women, Influence, Impact” will stand out as a highlight for me. The vibe in the room was electric and that the program was very powerful.
Finally, we did a refresh of our mission, vision and values to better define the Chamber present and future.
What do you see as the Springfield Chamber’s biggest impact on the Springfield community?
In the past 5 years, we have seen major changes to our chamber programs. We’ve taken the opportunity to create new initiatives, programs, and goals when gaps opened or initiatives have closed, using these opportunities to bring in new ideas.
What leadership characteristic(s) is/are crucial for Chamber boards today, and in the future?
It has been a pleasure to serve on this board that values continuous improvement utilizing tools and trainings for board development. The Chamber deserves people of high integrity to represent the business community, people who are committed and passionate about the work we are doing. Specifically, people who are willing to be innovative to ensure that we are constantly evolving in what we do. Our work is the melding of different points of view from the business community, so it is important that our board makeup reflects that.
What inspired your decision to serve on the board of directors?
I had been a volunteer on the education committee for many years, and I appreciate with the values of the chamber as a business owner. I have been honored to serve on the board of directors with others who bring energy and ideas to serve, support and strengthen our business community for a healthy and vibrant Springfield. I recognized an opportunity to strengthen alignment between Springfield business and education knowing that education determines the future of our community. It has been exciting to see the impact of #WorkReady during my time on the board. It is a recognized program in our community is now being modeled in other communities. Personally, this pleases me greatly.
Nancy Bigley is a Clinic Manager at Oregon Medical Group and co-owner of a health and fitness business, Jazzercise of Eugene. She has been actively engaged in, and a long-time member of the Springfield Chamber. Bigley founded, owned, and operated a number of businesses in Springfield, is a former Springfield School Board Member and Chair, and former President of the Springfield Rotary. Bigley will continue to serve on the board as Immediate Past Chair and on the Executive Committee in the coming year.