OSCC Legislative Update: March 22, 2021

Here’s latest update from our Oregon State Chamber of Commerce (OSCC) legislative counsel, outlining what’s happening (OSCC Political Observations), activity on major issues, and what’s coming up. Any opinions expressed or implied are those of OSCC and do not necessarily reflect those of the Springfield Chamber or its representatives.
What’s Happening (OSCC Political Observations)
The first major deadline of the 2021 legislature is now passed. Here’s what we know is still alive and what is now dead for the 2021 session.

Good bills still alive:
- HB 2034, HB 3055 – Renewal of aviation fuel tax for local airport funding
- HB 2343 – Allows local government to suspend Enterprise Zone requirements
- SB 330 – Tax credit for forgiven rents for landlords
- SB 727 – May allow Oregon businesses to claim federal ‘State & Local Tax’ (SALT) deduction in excess of $10,000 federal limit
- SB 780 – COVID liability protections for health care facilities and providers
- SB 842 – Tax exemption for federal stimulus payment to Oregon taxpayers
Good bills dead:
- HB 2638 – General COVID liability protections for employers
- SB 531 – Right to compensation for businesses closed by Governor’s orders
Bad bills still alive:
- HB 2253, HB 2457 – Levies state tax on PPP loans
- HB 2358 – Overtime payments for agriculture workers
- HB 2474 – Expansion of Oregon family leave law, applies to all small businesses
- HB 2489 – Re-classification of independent contractors as employees
- HB 2814 – ‘Indirect Source’ requirement for building projects
- HB 3171 – Adds insurance in the Unlawful Trade Practices Act
- HB 3305 – Prohibits diesel fuel
- SB 137, HB 2839 – Disconnects businesses from Federal CARES Act tax benefits
- SB 139 – Eliminates Oregon’s ‘Small Business Tax Cut’ law
- SB 483 – Retaliation presumption for employment actions taken within 60 days of whistleblower complaint
- SB 716 – Requires employer to accommodate employee day care schedule
- SB 801, SB 802 – Workers’ comp COVID presumption
Bad bills dead:
- HB 2205 – Private Attorney General Act (PAGA), authorize private lawsuits for alleged violations of law and rules enforced by agencies
- HB 2974 – Prohibits conditioning employment on refraining from drug use
- SB 477 – Lower burden of proof for unlawful discrimination claims
- SB 650 – “Fair Share” tax on employers that do not provide health insurance benefits
These bills represent the “playing field” for the business community for the next three weeks.
The next major deadline for bills is April 13th. As such, these next three weeks are sure to be chaotic as committees further refine the list of policies that will be moving forward this session.
By the 13th, we will have a very good idea about what to expect for the remainder of the session. Based on any pressure OSCC is able to apply to these bills, more of the bad bills may come off the list.